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Hahathon Landing

Landing for IIT event (01.04.2022 - 04.04.2022)


Run production build

  • Run jake from project base dir to build project to ./app.
  • Setup environment variables:
PORT=5000 # Application listening port
SECRET=jlkhdsflghsdfglsdjhfgljhfgdhfglhgflJHGHKFYSTSuidyi8uo9ey376839dj # Random string for encryption (min len. 32)
BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000 # Site origin

[email protected] # Username for mailer
EMAIL_PASSWORD=alsdfjksdjfis # Service password for mailer

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=C:\apiKey.json # Path to Google API Credentials
GOOGLE_SHEETS_ID=wkkICYXHNv3rfMhlDaOqZbkNtdjljh1ySRTxmIOvk # Id of Google spreadsheet to use
  • Don't forget to put your Google Credentials to GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path.
  • Run application with node src from ./app.

Run from Docker

  • Build docker image
    docker-compose build
  • Run Docker container in background
    docker-compose up -d