Backtracking algorithm implemented in JavaScript. Backtracking is a technique used in algorithms to systematically search for solutions to a problem by trying different options, and if the current option does not lead to a solution, it backs up and tries a different option. This is often used in solving problems such as puzzles, constraint satisfaction problems, and combinatorial optimization.
Here a backtracking algorithm implemented in JavaScript. Let's use it to solve the N-Queens problem, which is to place N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. This script defines functions to solve the N-Queens problem using backtracking. It iterates through each row, trying to place a queen in each column while checking if it's safe to place it there. If it's safe, it proceeds to the next row; otherwise, it backtracks and tries a different column. Once a solution is found, it's added to the list of solutions.