Bucklescript/Reason bindings for react-table
🚧 This is a WIP library. Most of the basic features are implemented, but some are still left not working. If you would like to help with the development effort, feel free to submit a pull request 🚧
This library provides Bucklescript bindings for react-table
npm install --save bs-react-table
Then add it to your bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dev-dependencies": ["bs-react-table"]
And then add this to your header in your html template :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/react-table@latest/react-table.css">
Usage is very similar to the original package
let columns = [|
{"Header": "Name", "accessor": "name"},
{"Header": "Age", "accessor": "age"},
let data = [|
{"name": "thomas", "age": "25"},
{"name": "aude", "age": "23"},
{"name": "damien", "age": "32"},
let make = _children => {
render: self => <ReactTable.ReactTable columns data label=(Some("test")) />,