\__ embiot
\__ embiot.ino
\__ README.md
\__ docs/
\__ EmbIoT_final_reportV1.0.pdf
This project is part of the final assignment for the course "Multiprocessing Systems in Integrated Circuits" in the Master’s Program in "Computer Engineering" at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications.
This project involves the design and deployment of an embedded IoT application for monitoring air temperature and relative humidity, on an ESP32-based development platform to read data from a DHT22 sensor and communicate wirelessly via Wi-Fi to a remote server using the MQTT protocol.
Details on the design and implementation of the system can be found in EmbIoT_final_reportV1.0.pdf
located in the ./docs/
folder. For further information, please contact me at [email protected]
or [email protected]