- Project Description
- Usage Information
- Contribution Information
- Testing Information
- Deployment
- User Story
- Tech
- License
- Questions
Workout Weekly is a web application to organise an exercise schedule around your work engagements.
Once signed up and logged in, users can fill out their weekly work engagements. Once they find a gap in the schedule, they can request a workout video from our library of over 200 curated YouTube exercise videos from some of the best known YouTube fitness channels.
This application has been designed and developed by Ross McIntyre, Omayma Ahmad and Chris Walsh.
Workout Weekly is available here.
AS a busy worker who likes to keep fit
I WANT an application that finds and schedules exercise for me
SO THAT I keep my fitness levels high and maintain a productive work day
- Node.js / Express.js
- Seqeulize / MySQL
- Google API
- TDD with Jest.js
- ESLint / Travis CI
- Moment.js
- Passport / Bcrypt
- Axios
This application is published under ISC license.
To contact us with questions, visit our GitHub profiles: