Hi 👋, I'm Safal Lama, aka Happilli aka Ryuzinoh!
- nepalibabu jekyll theme: A jekyll theme creation based on the nepal as main theme to store blog, as a portfoio and other.
- Artistry: A platform for me to show you'all aobut my arts, digital arts and manga i will be creating.
- Serena Front: Frontend for Serena, my cutepie project for pokemons which i love haha!
- Serena Backend: Backend for Serena, handling APIs and database operations.
- projectBCA: providing students BCA question papers related to pokhara university.
- Jan 17 - Serena
- Jan 16 - Socket Module
- Nov 13 - Serenity Profiles
- Oct 10 - Noble Auction
- Oct 10 - Saman
I love to spam Asuka.