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changed VQSR to take care of mixed positions and made the script a li…
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…ttle more general (now uppmax prpoject is not hard coded) and less dependent on folder structure (samples are passed via config file or via 00_samples.txt file
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Francesco Vezzi committed Jan 30, 2017
1 parent fa8d2c8 commit c216772
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Showing 10 changed files with 295 additions and 112 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,19 @@ def find_VCF(project, uppmax_project):
return samples

def slurm_header(uppmax_project, job_name, working_dir):
header = "#!/bin/bash -l\n"
header += "#SBATCH -A {}\n".format(uppmax_project)
header += "#SBATCH -p node\n"
header += "#SBATCH -n 16\n"
header += "#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n"
header += "#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name)
header += "#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name )
header += "#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name )
header += "module load bioinfo-tools\n"
header += "module load GATK/3.5.0\n"
return header

def submit_jobs(sbatch_files, pending_jobs = None):
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions example/config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ samples:
- /proj/ngi2016003/nobackup/NGI/ANALYSIS/P2652/piper_ngi/07_variant_calls/P2652_239.clean.dedup.recal.bam.genomic.vcf.gz
- /proj/ngi2016003/nobackup/NGI/ANALYSIS/P2652/piper_ngi/07_variant_calls/P2652_241.clean.dedup.recal.bam.genomic.vcf.gz
- /proj/ngi2016003/nobackup/NGI/ANALYSIS/P2652/piper_ngi/07_variant_calls/P2652_244.clean.dedup.recal.bam.genomic.vcf.gz
#Assumes NGI structure, i.e., /proj/{}/nobackup/NGI/ANALYSIS/{}/piper_ngi/07_variant_calls/".format(uppmax_project, project)
#path to a folder containing an .interval file for each interval we want to work on
intervals: /proj/ngi2016003/nobackup/vezzi/SwedishReferenceGenomeProjects/develop/test/00_intervals
#True if one wants to use scratch
Expand All @@ -20,9 +18,7 @@ batch_size: 4
#how the output file names should be called
output_header: "SRG"
#uppmax project where one need to seach for samples (used only if projects are specified)
- ngi2016001
- ngi2016003
uppmax_project: a201002
#options for walkers
#path to GATK
GATK : "/sw/apps/bioinfo/GATK/3.5.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,8 +55,9 @@ walkers:
- "-an FS"
- "-an SOR"
- "-an DP"
# - "-an InbreedingCoeff"
- "-an InbreedingCoeff"
- "-mode SNP"
- "tranche 100.0 -tranche 99.9 -tranche 99.0 -tranche 90.0 "
- "--maxGaussians 4"
- "-resource:mills,known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=12.0 /lupus/ngi/resources/piper/gatk_bundle/2.8/b37/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf"
Expand All @@ -71,13 +68,14 @@ walkers:
- "-an SOR"
- "-an ReadPosRankSum"
- "-an MQRankSum"
# - "-an InbreedingCoeff"
- "-an InbreedingCoeff"
- "-mode INDEL"
- "-tranche 100.0 -tranche 99.9 -tranche 99.0 -tranche 90.0"
- "-R /lupus/ngi/resources/piper/gatk_bundle/2.8/b37/human_g1k_v37.fasta"
- "-nt 16"
- SNP:
- "--ts_filter_level 99.5"
- "--ts_filter_level 99.0"
- "-mode SNP"
- "--ts_filter_level 99.0"
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82 changes: 39 additions & 43 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from walkers.SelectVariants import SelectVariants
from walkers.VariantRecalibrator import VariantRecalibrator
from walkers.ApplyRecalibration import ApplyRecalibration
from walkers.VQSR import VQSR

from utils.config import CONFIG

Expand All @@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ def check_configuration():
:returns: True if all checks succed, false otherwise
mandatory_args = ('dry_run', 'scratch', 'batch_size', 'output_header', 'intervals', 'walkers', 'samples', 'uppmax_projects', 'projects' , 'GATK')
mandatory_args = ('dry_run', 'scratch', 'batch_size', 'output_header', 'intervals', 'walkers', 'uppmax_project', 'GATK')
for mandatory_arg in mandatory_args:
if mandatory_arg not in CONFIG:
print "ERROR: argument {} is mandatory. If you think it does not apply leave it empty".format(mandatory_arg)
Expand All @@ -38,32 +39,27 @@ def check_configuration():
return False

#now at least I know all keys are present
if CONFIG["samples"] is None and CONFIG["projects"] is None and not os.path.exists("00_samples.txt"):
print "ERROR: at least one one between projects and/or samples must contain a list. In alternative specify the file 00_"
return False
#if project is not none than uppmax-project need do be specifed
if CONFIG["projects"] is not None and CONFIG["uppmax_projects"] is None:
print "ERROR: if projects are specified their uppmax-project need to be specified as well"
if ("samples" not in CONFIG or CONFIG["samples"] is None) and not os.path.exists("00_samples.txt"):
print "ERROR: at least one one between samples and/or 00_samples.txt must contain a list of samples"
return False
#check tha provided uppmax projects exists (if provided)
if CONFIG["uppmax_projects"] is not None:
for uppmax_project in CONFIG["uppmax_projects"]:
if not os.path.exists("/proj/{}".format(uppmax_project)):
print "ERROR: uppmax project {} does not exists.".format(uppmax_project)
return False
if CONFIG["uppmax_project"] is not None:
if not os.path.exists("/proj/{}".format(CONFIG["uppmax_project"])):
print "ERROR: uppmax project {} does not exists.".format(CONFIG["uppmax_project"])
return False
#do the same sanity check for samples and create the to be join called list
CONFIG["samples_JC"] = []
if CONFIG["samples"] is not None:
if os.path.exists("00_samples.txt"):
print "WARNING: file 00_samples.txt exists, I will use only samples specified in this file and I will not give a shit about those in the config."
with open("00_samples.txt", "r") as samplesFile:
for sample in samplesFile:
for sample in CONFIG["samples"]:
if not os.path.exists("{}".format(sample)):
print "ERROR: sample {} does not exists.".format(sample)
return False
if CONFIG["projects"] is not None:
for project in CONFIG["projects"]:
for uppmax_project in CONFIG["uppmax_projects"]:
#for each project check the directory that is supposed to contain the abalysis
CONFIG["samples_JC"] += find_VCF(project, uppmax_project)
#check for duplicates, if identified stop computation
samples_to_be_joint_called_hash = {}
for sample in CONFIG["samples_JC"]:
Expand All @@ -89,19 +85,12 @@ def check_configuration():
def main(args):
config = conf.load_yaml_config(args.configuration)
if not check_configuration():
sys.exit("ERROR: configuraiton file was malformed, please edit it and retry")
sys.exit("ERROR: configuration file was malformed, please edit it and retry")
#store in a file path to vcf that are going to be analysed
if args.resume and os.path.exists("00_samples.txt"):
sys.exit("ERROR: --resume specified, however 00_samples.txt found. Please if you want to resume analysis, remove/move 00_samples.txt, 02_GenotypeGVCF, 03_ ... ")
if os.path.exists("00_samples.txt"):
print "WARNING: file 00_samples.txt exists, I will replace samples in config file with those stored in this file."
#delete samples sorted in previous step
CONFIG["samples_JC"] = []
with open("00_samples.txt", "r") as samplesFile:
for sample in samplesFile:
elif not args.resume:
#otherwise create the file and store the samples
sys.exit("ERROR: -- resume specified, however 00_samples.txt found. Please if you want to resume analysis, remove/move 00_samples.txt, 02_GenotypeGVCF, 03_ ... ")
if not args.resume:
#create the file 00_samples.txt in order to prevent deleting by mistake analysis
with open("00_samples.txt", "w") as samplesFile:
for sample in CONFIG["samples_JC"]:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,20 +118,26 @@ def main(args):
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#now perofmr VQSR
#start with select variants and variant evaluation
sbatch_files = SelectVariants()
#and execute
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#then perfomr VQSR
sbatch_files = VariantRecalibrator()
#and execute
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#than ApplyRecalibration
sbatch_files = ApplyRecalibration()
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
if args.mixed_positions:
sbatch_files = VQSR()
#and execute
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#start with select variants and variant evaluation
sbatch_files = SelectVariants()
#and execute
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#then perfomr VQSR
sbatch_files = VariantRecalibrator()
#and execute
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)
#than ApplyRecalibration
sbatch_files = ApplyRecalibration()
if not CONFIG["dry_run"]:
slurm_jobs_id = submit_jobs(sbatch_files, slurm_jobs_id)

Expand All @@ -151,6 +146,7 @@ def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("""Scripts performs join variant calling on all samples provided, or on all samples analysed belonging to the projects specified""")
parser.add_argument('--configuration', help="configuration file, give a look to the example one to see what to do", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', help="if this option is specified 01_Combine_GVCFs needs to be created and populated, all other folders need to be deleted/moved. In this modality the script deletes only the last batch (if needed) and creates a n new (or more) extra batches to account for new samples", default=False )
parser.add_argument('--mixed-positions', help="With this option run the BP as suggested in (this is the reccomended way)", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()

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14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions walkers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

from utils.config import CONFIG
from common import atoi, natural_keys
from common import slurm_header

Expand All @@ -28,16 +29,9 @@ def build_ApplyRecalibration_sbatch(working_dir, variant_raw, recal, tranches,
#create the sbatch file to merge all varaints or to copy the already single one
sbatch_file = os.path.join(working_dir, "sbatch", "{}.sbatch".format(job_name))
with open(sbatch_file, "w") as ApplyRecalibration:
ApplyRecalibration.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -A ngi2016003\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -p node\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -n 16\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name))
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
ApplyRecalibration.write("#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
ApplyRecalibration.write("module load bioinfo-tools\n")
ApplyRecalibration.write("module load GATK/3.5.0\n")
slurm = slurm_header(CONFIG["uppmax_project"], working_dir, job_name)

if scratch:
ApplyRecalibration.write("mkdir -p $SNIC_TMP/{} \n".format(job_name)) # create tmp directory
Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions walkers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

from utils.config import CONFIG
from common import atoi, natural_keys
from common import slurm_header

Expand All @@ -23,16 +24,9 @@ def build_CatVariants_sbatch(working_dir, variants_dir, scratch=False):
#create the sbatch file to merge all varaints or to copy the already single one
sbatch_file = os.path.join(working_dir, "sbatch", "{}.sbatch".format(job_name))
with open(sbatch_file, "w") as CatVariants:
CatVariants.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -A ngi2016003\n")
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -p node\n")
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -n 16\n")
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n")
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name))
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
CatVariants.write("#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
CatVariants.write("module load bioinfo-tools\n")
CatVariants.write("module load GATK/3.5.0\n")
slurm = slurm_header(CONFIG["uppmax_project"], working_dir, job_name)

if len(CONFIG["intervals_list"]) == 0:
#in this case I need only to copy the already single file
Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions walkers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import re

from utils.config import CONFIG
from common import slurm_header

def build_CombineGVCFs_sbatch(working_dir, batch, current_batch, scratch=False, interval=None):
Expand All @@ -28,16 +29,9 @@ def build_CombineGVCFs_sbatch(working_dir, batch, current_batch, scratch=False,
#create the sbatch file to analyse the current batch of samples
sbatch_file = os.path.join(working_dir, "sbatch", "{}.sbatch".format(job_name))
with open(sbatch_file, "w") as CombineGVCFsFile:
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -A ngi2016003\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -p node\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -n 8\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name))
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
CombineGVCFsFile.write("#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
CombineGVCFsFile.write("module load bioinfo-tools\n")
CombineGVCFsFile.write("module load GATK/3.5.0\n")
slurm = slurm_header(CONFIG["uppmax_project"], working_dir, job_name)
#rsync to scratch all samples
if scratch:
CombineGVCFsFile.write("mkdir -p $SNIC_TMP/{} \n".format(job_name)) # create tmp directory
Expand Down
15 changes: 4 additions & 11 deletions walkers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import re

from utils.config import CONFIG

from common import slurm_header

def build_GenotypeGVCFs_sbatch(working_dir, combined_gvcf_files, scratch=False, interval=None):
Expand All @@ -28,16 +28,9 @@ def build_GenotypeGVCFs_sbatch(working_dir, combined_gvcf_files, scratch=False,
#create the sbatch file to analyse the current batch of samples
sbatch_file = os.path.join(working_dir, "sbatch", "{}.sbatch".format(job_name))
with open(sbatch_file, "w") as GenotypeGVCFs:
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -A ngi2016003\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -p node\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -n 16\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name))
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
GenotypeGVCFs.write("#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
GenotypeGVCFs.write("module load bioinfo-tools\n")
GenotypeGVCFs.write("module load GATK/3.5.0\n")
slurm = slurm_header(CONFIG["uppmax_project"], working_dir, job_name)
#rsync to scratch all samples
if scratch:
GenotypeGVCFs.write("mkdir -p $SNIC_TMP/{} \n".format(job_name)) # create tmp directory
Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions walkers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

from utils.config import CONFIG
from common import atoi, natural_keys
from common import slurm_header

Expand All @@ -26,16 +27,9 @@ def build_SelectVariants_sbatch(working_dir, variant_file, scratch=False):
#create the sbatch file to merge all varaints or to copy the already single one
sbatch_file = os.path.join(working_dir, "sbatch", "{}.sbatch".format(job_name))
with open(sbatch_file, "w") as SelectVariants:
SelectVariants.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -A ngi2016003\n")
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -p node\n")
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -n 16\n")
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -t 10-00:00:00\n")
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -J {}\n".format(job_name))
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -o {}/std_out/{}.out\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
SelectVariants.write("#SBATCH -e {}/std_err/{}.err\n".format(working_dir, job_name ))
SelectVariants.write("module load bioinfo-tools\n")
SelectVariants.write("module load GATK/3.5.0\n")
slurm = slurm_header(CONFIG["uppmax_project"], working_dir, job_name)

if scratch:
SelectVariants.write("mkdir -p $SNIC_TMP/{} \n".format(job_name)) # create tmp directory
Expand Down

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