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npm i tirij-api


Free use

Links created in free use 7-day type and qr cannot be created.

import { LinkService } from "tirij-api"

const service = new LinkService()
await service.createFree(longUrl);

Basic Auth use

Feild Type Description
username string Api public key
password string Api secret key
slug string Store slug
expireType string ("never" or "date", or "count") Expire type
expireAt string ( "Date(1650611871048)" or "Date(2022-04-22T07:08:34.090Z)" or "2022-04-22T07:08:34.090Z") Expire date
clickCount { max: number, count: number } Click Count

You can shorten any type of link you want through a store belonging to your account.

import { LinkService } from "tirij-api"

const service = new LinkService({}, { username, password })
await service.create(slug, {
  longUrl: longUrl,
  expireType: expireType,
  expireAt: expireAt,
    max: max,
    count: count

Create Qr

Feild Type Description
username string Api public key
password string Api secret key
slug string Store slug
_id string Link id
type string ("short" or "long") Link type
options ILinkQrOptions qr-code-styling-node-options

While creating qr, qr-code-styling-node package was used. You can forward all qr-code-styling-node settings from options.

import { LinkService } from "tirij-api"

const service = new LinkService({}, { username, password })
const result = await service.createQr(slug, _id, "short" || "long", { type: "svg"});

require("fs").writeFile(`${}.svg`,, 'base64', function(err) {