Download the DeepFish data set from
Place DeepFish dataset in fishclassification -> src -> datasets
- Train Single Image using built-in terminal
Localization: python scripts/ -e loc -d ${PATH_TO_DATASET}
Segmentation: python scripts/ -e seg -d ${PATH_TO_DATASET}
- Train and test on the dataset using built-in terminal
Run the following command
python -e ${TASK} -sb ${SAVEDIR_BASE} -d ${DATADIR} -r 1
The variables (${...}) can be substituted with the following values:
TASK : loc, seg, clf, reg
SAVEDIR_BASE: Absolute path to where results will be saved
DATADIR: Absolute path containing the downloaded datasets
Experiment hyperparameters are defined in
DeepFish Dataset is from:
@article{saleh2020realistic, title={A Realistic Fish-Habitat Dataset to Evaluate Algorithms for Underwater Visual Analysis}, author={Alzayat Saleh and Issam H. Laradji and Dmitry A. Konovalov and Michael Bradley and David Vazquez and Marcus Sheaves}, year={2020}, eprint={2008.12603}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }