This project exposes the API endpoints for supporting the askdarcel-web project, which is built using a Ruby on Rails API Server
Technical Onboarding & Team Guidelines
Docker Community Edition (CE) >= 17.06
Docker Compose >= 1.18
Download and install the version of Docker for your OS.
The .env
file is a de facto file format that allows you to specify environment
variables that can be read by an application. It makes it easier to pass
environment variables to an application without manually having to set them in
the environment. It is supported by:
In the root of the repo cloned to your local machine, create a file named .env
with the credentials listed in this
This is not a full guide to Docker and Docker Compose, so please consult other guides to learn more about those tools.
# Build (or rebuild) Docker images
$ docker-compose build
# Start the database container (in the background with -d)
$ docker-compose up -d db
# Generate random database fixtures
$ docker-compose run --rm api rake db:setup db:populate
# Start the Rails development server in the api container (in the foreground)
$ docker-compose up api
# Stop all containers, including background ones
$ docker-compose stop
# Reset DB with initial database fixtures
$ docker-compose run --rm api rake db:setup db:populate
# Run Docker container that executes Postman CLI tool named newman
$ docker-compose run --rm postman
# Populate the database with a direct copy of the live staging database.
# - Ask technical team for the staging database password.
$ docker-compose run -e STAGING_DB_PASSWORD=<...> --rm api rake db:setup db:import_staging