This is a gtk movie library browser written in rust.
- Fetching data from tmdb api
- poster
- backdrop
- original title and language
- overview
- vote average and count
- release date
- Playing the selected movie in mpv
- Tracking progress
- Vim motions
- Plugins
Use your favourite package manager to install from AUR
Clone this repository first:
git clone
If you just want to run the app:
cd reel_hub && cargo run -r
To make it accessible your from application menu, first compile binary using
cd reel_hub && cargo build -r
then copy the desktop file to XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/reel_hub.desktop
and either
replace Exec = reel_hub
eg. Exec = /home/user/reel_hub/target/reel_hub
place the binary on path
Plugins can be written in programming language that can read from and write to stdio. reel_hub communicates with plugins trough pipes, see examples in "examples" directory.
At startup every executable in XDG_DATA_HOME/reel_hub/.plugins/
is loaded as plugin
Usage: reel_hub [option]
-v, --version show varsion and exit
-h, --help show this help and exit
-l, --list list all movies in library and exit
-c, --clear-cache clear cache and exit (does not clear time positions)
Note: running without arguments runs the app
None: backdrop gets hidden when there isn't enough space