Can be used as a starting point for quickly prototyping a REST API or fully-fledged server-rendered web application in Go, backend by a relational database and common authentication / authorization. Originating from my work on wakapi.
- Data management
- Easy-to-use ORM to map between Go struct and databases entities
- Multiple databases supported, including MySQL, Postgres and SQLite
- Simple schema migrations (+ automatic schema generation)
- Authentication
- Cookie-based authentication (using gorilla/securecookie)
- API key authentication (via header or query param)
- Configuration
- YAML configuration
- Environment variables
- Mailing
- HTML templates
- SMTP integration
- MailWhale integration
- User Interface
- Plain Go HTML templates
- CSS styling with TailwindCSS
- Icons with Iconify
- Simple data binding with petite-vue
- Pre-compressed assets using Brotli (see wakapi#284)
- Prometheus metrics exports
- Swagger API docs
- Unit Testing
- Docker support
- Multi-tenancy
- Advanced authorization mechanisms / RBAC
- API testing (see wakapi/testing, though)
- Web server: net/http (stdlib)
- Routing: gorilla/mux
- Database / ORM:
- Templating: html/template (stdlib)
- Configuration: jinzhu/configor
- Logging: emvi/logbuch
- Event bus: leandro-lugaresi/hub
- Caching: patrickmn/go-cache
- Styling: tailwindlabs/tailwindcss
- Data binding: vuejs/petite-vue
- Go >= 1.16
- Node.js >= 14 LTS
- gcc (to compile go-sqlite3)
- Fedora / RHEL:
dnf install @development-tools
- Ubuntu / Debian:
apt install build-essential
- Windows: See here
- Fedora / RHEL:
# Fetch node modules
$ yarn
# Build web assets
$ yarn build:all:compress
# Build the executable
$ go build -o broilerplate
# Adapt config to your needs
$ cp config.default.yml config.yml
$ vi config.yml
# Run it
$ ./broilerplate
You can specify configuration options either via a config file (default: config.yml
, customizable through the -c
argument) or via environment variables. Here is an overview of all options.
YAML Key / Env. Variable | Default | Description |
dev |
Whether to use development- or production settings |
app.avatar_url_template |
(see config.default.yml ) |
URL template for external user avatar images (e.g. from Dicebear or Gravatar) |
server.port /BROILERPLATE_PORT |
3000 |
Port to listen on |
server.listen_ipv4 /BROILERPLATE_LISTEN_IPV4 | |
IPv4 network address to listen on (leave blank to disable IPv4) |
server.listen_ipv6 /BROILERPLATE_LISTEN_IPV6 |
::1 |
IPv6 network address to listen on (leave blank to disable IPv6) |
server.listen_socket /BROILERPLATE_LISTEN_SOCKET |
- | UNIX socket to listen on (leave blank to disable UNIX socket) |
server.timeout_sec /BROILERPLATE_TIMEOUT_SEC |
30 |
Request timeout in seconds |
server.tls_cert_path /BROILERPLATE_TLS_CERT_PATH |
- | Path of SSL server certificate (leave blank to not use HTTPS) |
server.tls_key_path /BROILERPLATE_TLS_KEY_PATH |
- | Path of SSL server private key (leave blank to not use HTTPS) |
server.base_path /BROILERPLATE_BASE_PATH |
/ |
Web base path (change when running behind a proxy under a sub-path) |
security.password_salt /BROILERPLATE_PASSWORD_SALT |
- | Pepper to use for password hashing |
security.insecure_cookies /BROILERPLATE_INSECURE_COOKIES |
false |
Whether or not to allow cookies over HTTP |
security.cookie_max_age /BROILERPLATE_COOKIE_MAX_AGE |
172800 |
Lifetime of authentication cookies in seconds or 0 to use Session cookies |
security.allow_signup /BROILERPLATE_ALLOW_SIGNUP |
true |
Whether to enable user registration |
security.expose_metrics /BROILERPLATE_EXPOSE_METRICS |
false |
Whether to expose Prometheus metrics under /api/metrics | /BROILERPLATE_DB_HOST |
- | Database host |
- | Database port |
- | Database user |
- | Database password | /BROILERPLATE_DB_NAME |
app_db.db |
Database name |
sqlite3 |
Database type (one of sqlite3 , mysql , postgres , cockroach ) |
utf8mb4 |
Database connection charset (for MySQL only) |
2 |
Maximum number of database connections |
false |
Whether to use TLS encryption for database connection (Postgres and CockroachDB only) |
false |
Whether to ignore schema auto-migration failures when starting up |
true |
Whether to allow BROILERPLATE to send e-mail (e.g. for password resets) |
[email protected] |
Default sender address for outgoing mails (ignored for MailWhale) |
smtp |
Implementation to use for sending mails (one of [smtp , mailwhale ]) |
- |
Various options to configure SMTP. See default config for details |
- |
Various options to configure MailWhale sending service. See default config for details |
Coding in open source is my passion and I would love to do it on a full-time basis and make a living from it one day. So if you like this project, please consider supporting it 🙂. You can donate either through buying me a coffee or becoming a GitHub sponsor. Every little donation is highly appreciated and boosts my motivation to keep improving!