There is a Linux Port available, see post on Forums
The port is experimental, I will therefore keep this repository online for the time being should there be any issues. But please do give it a shot!
Textures will load normally when using Proton Experimental Bleeding Edge. The steps below are no longer required if you can switch.
Hack to fix the Black Terrain found after the 0.24 release on Linux using Proton/Wine or Mac using Crossover
Massive thanks to every contributor for providing the pre-generated textures for this transplant.
Paste the following command into your terminal (Note: This script will only work on Linux Systems, Mac users go here)
curl | python3 -
You're done! Troubleshooting
Please verify that this path exists BEFORE using the commands below
mkdir ~/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/284160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/
cd "$_"
wget ${url}etk.tar.gz
wget ${url}jri.tar.gz
wget ${url}utah.tar.gz
wget ${url}derby.tar.gz
wget ${url}hirochi.tar.gz
wget ${url}industrial.tar.gz
wget ${url}gridmap_v2.tar.gz
wget ${url}small_island.tar.gz
wget ${url}east_coast_usa.tar.gz
ls *.tar.gz | xargs -n 1 tar -xvf
rm *.tar.gz
cd ~/
- Look at the URL of your map (eg.
- Copy the number behind the period (18030) to the following URL like this:
- If the page exists, you will find a one-liner in the release's description which you can then use to downlad the textures
- Open your Steam Library and find
- Right Click > Manage > Browse Local Files
- Right Click > Open Terminal (or find a different way to do so)
- Use the following command
mkdir ../../compatdata/284160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/
- If successful: Copy the all commands from above (excluding the first one)
- Find the equivalent of:
- Modify the command below if need be
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/
- If successful: Copy the all commands from above (excluding the first one)
- Select your Bottle towards the left of crossover
- Open advanced options and click on the Open C: drive button
- Finder will open, navigate to
- Should the
folders not exist, create them.
- Once inside the
folder, open the Terminal at the current location - Use the commands above excluding the first two (
To generate textures yourself, you can modify and run the command below. Note: This script was designed for use with Linux only.
MAP="italy" && curl | python3 - $MAP
In this case the textures for Italy will be generated.
To generate textures for mods, make sure that the mod is placed in /home/$USER/.local/share/
- Delete all files in
- Load up your map and only your map
- Copy all files inside of
into an archive - Upload the archive
- Use this link for further steps
Initial discussion on the forum