Upon running the program, a virtual avatar will appear.
The avatar's mouse will move given your mouse movements.
Upon pressing the left, middle, or right button, the avatar will perform a "clicking" animation.
Upon pressing an alphanumerical character or 'space', the avatar will perform a "key press" animation.
Different mouse and keyboard buttons will simulate animations in slightly different locations.
There may be a green border around the character, but software like OBS will ignore it.
Go to the releases page and download Wolfy.Zip.
Click on the "Wolfy" executable to run.
NOTE: Having caps lock or holding shift may mess with reading in the button presses.
Use a "Window Capture" on the Wolfy.exe program.
To get rid of the green color background, use a Chroma Key filter with the settings: ~333 Similarity, 1 Smoothness, 1 Key Color Spill Reduction.
To use your own avatars, you simply have to change the pictures in the "Images" folder.
However, refrain from #00ff00 as that color will be displayed as clear.
Ensure your images are around the same height as the current model.