An example project how to export application metrics to Prometheus
30. January 2019
- Chemnitz Cloud Native Meetup #2 at Staffbase HQ
16. or 17. March 2019 (not yet accepted)
- Chemnitz CLT 2019 as German talk "Prometheus in Aktion: Go, measure things!"
Go to the doc
folder and execute either:
pdflatex pres.tex
latexmk -pdf pres.tex
to compile the Latex source into a PDF.
Install GOLang 1.11 or newer. Just execute:
go build
to build all files.
Now you can start the binary using the executable file:
An alternative is starting the program directly via go after compiling it
go run main.go sleep.go greetings.go
Change the target ip address
in the file prometheus-data/prometheus.yml
to your local hosts IP address which is reachable via docker.
chmod 777 -R prometheus-data
docker run -p 9090:9090 \
--name prom \
--volume $(pwd)/prometheus-data:/prometheus-data:rw \
prom/prometheus \
--config.file=/prometheus-data/prometheus.yml \
Now you can access Prometheus via http://localhost:9090/
Get logs
docker logs -f prom
Simply run the following command to start Grafana locally in a docker container.
docker run \
-d \
-p 3000:3000 \
--name=grafana \
-e "GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=http://localhost" \
- Average sleep time
things_sleep_requested_seconds_sum / things_sleep_requested_seconds_count
- Personal Greetings
- Go runtime: