I currently write services in .NET for corporate clients. My career in software started in the 80's on the beloved BBCs and Commodore 64s.
🔭 I’m currently working on curing Primitive Obsession with Vogen
I’m on Twitter https://twitter.com/stevedunn -
🗣 I’m on 🦋 BlueSky
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Vogen
🤝 I’m looking for help with a bug in PAC-MAN Blazor
📝 I occasionally write articles on https://dunnhq.com
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- Anatomy of the .NET dictionary
- Prefer test-doubles over mocking frameworks
- Documentation Quadrants - The Grand Unified Theory of Documentation
- Code Coverage Metrics
- Answer by Steve Dunn for When should I use a ThrowHelper method instead of throwing directly?
- Answer by Steve Dunn for Strongly-typed integers
- How can I share a custom dictionary between JetBrains Rider users and Visual Studio users?
- Answer by Steve Dunn for How do I get .NET Feature Management to use config in User Secrets?
- How do I get .NET Feature Management to use config in User Secrets?