Attention: Master is feature frozen, base new features on enhanced-payment-flow
In short, Gandalf is a project that does everything that makes organising and managing an event a lot easier for FK-clubs of the University of Ghent. The application is written specifically for the UGent FakulteitenKonvent. It allows students to register for events and it also interacts with the FK-Enrolment database and allows members of student unions to subscribe to member-only events from their clubs.
- Set up your rails environment (see Zeus Wiki/Howto Rails)
- Install the needed gems with
bundle install
- Run the database seeds (if not done yet)
rake db:migrate
enrake db:seed
- Start your rails server (see the last part of the Howto Rails guide for correct hostnames etc.)
- Log in once
- Open your rails console (
rails c
) - Get your user:
u = User.first
- Set the admin flag:
u.admin = true
- Add Zeus WPI to your clubs:
u.clubs = [Club.find_by_internal_name(:zeus)]
- Save your user:
- Felix Van der Jeugt
- Toon Willems
- Tom Naessens
- Maarten Herthoge