Open-souce secure gateway for distributed system
Bearicade (pronounced be(Ι)riΛkΔd
from bear and barricade) is an MIT-licensed open-source data-driven secure gateway for distributed system, built on a REST API, containerized via Docker and deployable with Ansible.
Bearicade has been presented at the IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications Paper.
- CentOS/Red Hat >=7.4
- Git
- Python >=2.7
- PIP >= 20.0.2
- Ansible >= 2.9.4
- Docker >= 1.13.1
- Install Prerequisite
sudo yum install epel-release git python python-pip docker && sudo pip install ansible
- Enable and Start Docker
sudo systemctl enable docker && systemctl start docker
- Clone bearicade git repository
git clone
- Generate Keys and Authorize the key
ssh-keygen && cat ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Permit SSH Root Login
sed -i '/^PermitRootLogin/s/no/yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && systemctl restart sshd
- Edit config.yml to suit your preference
vi bearicade/bearicade_ansible/config.yml
- Install bearicade with ansible playbook
ansible-playbook -i bearicade/bearicade_ansible/hosts bearicade/bearicade_ansible/bear_install.yml
- Add Administrators with ansible playbook
ansible-playbook -i bearicade/bearicade_ansible/hosts bearicade/bearicade_ansible/bear_add_user.yml
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
Copyright (c) 2017-present, Taha Al-Jody
- Website:
- Github: @TA3
- LinkedIn: @tahaaljody