The code itself is documented in the many comments I have written in the files themselves, which if you find insufficient and open an issue I am happy to expand upon those comments where it is needed.
NOTE:the comments are not in the same format that AwesomeWM itself uses, thus unfortunately cannot be rendered into a website with ldoc
If you would like to read additional information about this configuration, please see the ReadMe files in each of the subdirectories, where there are details about the directories content for the intrepid.
I made an Awesome List of all the modular configurations I have reviewed in the process of writing this, which is located here.Each of those configurations were influential to this project in some way, however minor and singling out some while ignoring the others would be unfair to the others and the hard work that went into them (cough, cough), so if looking for my inspirations check the list out and give it a star while there.