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Cultural bugfixes for Issue #16
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**Issue #16 bugfixes:**
- Fixed issue with FPS textbox in THP Info not displaying culture invariant single string format, further breaking program when processing THP videos on foreign machines
- Fixed issues with video start/end frame single strings for THP Viewer/Ripper cropper not using invariant culture for FFMPEG/FFPlay cmdline calls
- Fixed issues with FFMPEG calls using the FPS string value not using invariant culture while THP encoding
- Fixed issues with the progress bar/application logger not using invariant culture for the progress bar percentage string values
- Added appropriate calls to **Single_ToString()** function to fix these issues

**Single_ToString function:**
- Added new **Single_ToString_Types** enum to support the 3 types of single.ToString() string conversion formats in the program:
  - Percentage ("P2")
  - Single ("F2")
  - Fixed-point (round-tripped audio frames, "G9")
- Created global variable **culture** to handle Invariant CultureInfo object throughout program
- Created new function **Single_ToString()** to handle proper string conversion of single data **(culture invariant)**

**Misc bugfixes:**
- Added more parsing validation, with TryParseErr value conversion checking
  - **Functions**
    - btnPlay_Click() - THP Viewer
    - Rip() - THP Ripper
  - **Parsing changes**
    - Start/end video frame cropping information (TryParseErr_UShort())
    - FPS value (TryParseErr_Single())

- Fixed a typo within function **nudTD_M_ChangeMe()**
  - For the video cropper within THP Viewer/Ripper section, use TryParseErr_UShort(), **not** TryParseErr_Single() for updating the video frame end value

- Updated application version string to v1.2.0.1, copyright to ©2021
- For Y2K bugfix in **btnLogSave_Click()** function (log saver), made date format string a constant rather than an immediate value in date.ToString function call
  • Loading branch information
Tamk1s committed Jun 18, 2021
1 parent 13322b6 commit 3de13a5
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 43 deletions.
161 changes: 121 additions & 40 deletions Thwimp/Main.vb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,22 @@ Public Class Main
'If disabled, clear options tab items and forcibly set them every run
Shared DEBUG As Boolean = False

'Formatting, parsing, and bugfix stuff

''' <summary>
''' Single_ToString function enum value conversion types
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Enum Single_ToString_Types
PERCENT = -1 '2-digit percentage (nn.dd%)
_SINGLE = 0 '2-digit single (nn.dd)
FIXED = 1 'G9 fixed point (for FFMPEG audio conversion)
End Enum

'Invariant culture object info
Shared culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

'Command-Line Interface Mode?
'This flag will be set if called from CommandLine with args, and will change the runtime behavior for errors etc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,8 +919,12 @@ Public Class Main
txtVF_S.Text = THPs(bytEntry).visual.Frames.subframes.ToString()
txtVF_T.Text = THPs(bytEntry).visual.Frames.totframes.ToString()

'Other playback info. FPS, does video have control signal?, Text desc of the control signal usage
txtVC_F.Text = THPs(bytEntry).visual.FPS.ToString("f")
'Other playback info. FPS, does video have control signal?, Text desc of the control signal usage

'Convert FPS properly (bugfix for issue #16)
Dim fps As Single = THPs(bytEntry).visual.FPS 'Get FPS single value
Dim fps_string As String = Single_ToString(fps, Single_ToString_Types._SINGLE) 'Convert to string properly
txtVC_F.Text = fps_string 'Update text
txtVC_C.Text = THPs(bytEntry).visual.Ctrl.ToString()
txtVC_D.Text = THPs(bytEntry).visual.CDesc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1709,15 +1729,22 @@ Public Class Main
Dim x As String = txtTD_CX.Text 'Crop xpos
Dim y As String = txtTD_CY.Text 'Crop ypos
Dim w As String = txtTD_CW.Text 'Crop width
Dim h As String = txtTD_CH.Text 'Crop height
Dim _start As UShort = txtTD_FS.Text 'frame start
Dim _end As UShort = txtTD_FE.Text 'frame end
Dim FPS As Single = txtVC_F.Text 'FPS
Dim h As String = txtTD_CH.Text 'Crop height

'Audio info. In seconds (so start/end pt /FPS = seconds)
Dim _start As UShort = TryParseErr_UShort(txtTD_FS.Text) 'frame start
Dim _end As UShort = TryParseErr_UShort(txtTD_FE.Text) 'frame end
Dim FPS As Single = TryParseErr_Single(txtVC_F.Text) 'FPS

Dim _aStart As Single = _start / FPS 'audio start
Dim _aEnd As Single = _end / FPS 'audio end

'Note ToString("G9") format is the recommended one for "RoundTripping" a single
'Audio start/end values as G9 string format
Const FixedType As Single_ToString_Types = Single_ToString_Types.FIXED
Dim _gaStart As String = Single_ToString(_aStart, FixedType)
Dim _gaEnd As String = Single_ToString(_aEnd, FixedType)

'If chkRipDumF is checked (therefore, multiplicity=0 and Dum radio button),
'and start/end frames do not match THP vids' min/max, throw error.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1829,8 +1856,7 @@ Public Class Main
UpdateProg_Cur(CurPrg, "Ripping audio only as MP4...", True, False)
file2 = strQUOT & txtFFPlayTemp.Text & strPATHSEP & "audio.mp4" & strQUOT 'output file: "C:\THPPlayWorkDir\audio.mp4"
'Args: -i input_file -vn -ss audio_Start -to audio_End output_file
'Note ToString("G9") format is the recommended one for "RoundTripping" a single
args = " -i " & file & " -y -vn -ss " & _aStart.ToString("G9") & " -to " & _aEnd.ToString("G9") & " " & file2
args = " -i " & file & " -y -vn -ss " & _gaStart & " -to " & _gaEnd & " " & file2

'Run the cmd+args
'startInfo.FileName = cmd & args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2012,18 +2038,25 @@ Public Class Main
'Cut video from start to end frame: -vf select="between(n\,200\,300),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS"

Dim cmd As String = "" 'Command to run
Dim x As String = txtTD_CX.Text 'Crop xpos
Dim y As String = txtTD_CY.Text 'Crop ypos
Dim w As String = txtTD_CW.Text 'Crop width
Dim h As String = txtTD_CH.Text 'Crop height
Dim _start As UShort = txtTD_FS.Text 'frame start
Dim _end As UShort = txtTD_FE.Text 'frame end
Dim FPS As Single = txtVC_F.Text 'FPS
Dim cmd As String = "" 'Command to run
Dim x As String = txtTD_CX.Text 'Crop xpos
Dim y As String = txtTD_CY.Text 'Crop ypos
Dim w As String = txtTD_CW.Text 'Crop width
Dim h As String = txtTD_CH.Text 'Crop height

Dim _start As UShort = TryParseErr_UShort(txtTD_FS.Text) 'frame start
Dim _end As UShort = TryParseErr_UShort(txtTD_FE.Text) 'frame end
Dim FPS As Single = TryParseErr_Single(txtVC_F.Text) 'FPS

'Audio info. In seconds (so start/end pt /FPS = seconds)
Dim _aStart As Single = _start / FPS 'audio start
Dim _aEnd As Single = _end / FPS 'audio end
Dim _aStart As Single = _start / FPS 'audio start
Dim _aEnd As Single = _end / FPS 'audio end

'Note ToString("G9") format is the recommended one for "RoundTripping" a single
'Audio start/end values as G9 string format
Const FixedType As Single_ToString_Types = Single_ToString_Types.FIXED
Dim _gaStart As String = Single_ToString(_aStart, FixedType)
Dim _gaEnd As String = Single_ToString(_aEnd, FixedType)

'If chkRipDumF is checked (therefore, multiplicity=0 and Dum radio button),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2125,8 +2158,7 @@ Public Class Main
cmd = strQUOT & txtFFMPEG.Text & strPATHSEP & exeFMPeg & strQUOT
'-y -i "C:\PathToTHP\DIRtoTHP\file.thp" -vn -ss audio_Start -to audio_End output_file
'Note ToString("G9") format is the recommended one for "RoundTripping" a single
cmd &= " -y -i " & strQUOT & inFile & strQUOT & " -vn -ss " & _aStart.ToString("G9") & " -to " & _aEnd.ToString("G9") & " "
cmd &= " -y -i " & strQUOT & inFile & strQUOT & " -vn -ss " & _gaStart & " -to " & _gaEnd & " "

'If not override flag, then replace inFile.thp with .wav; else replace outFIle.mp4 with .wav
If pathOverride = "" Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2488,7 +2520,7 @@ Public Class Main
If singleM = False Then
'Set range from 1 to final frame
_start = 1
_end = TryParseErr_Single(txtVF_T.Text)
_end = TryParseErr_UShort(txtVF_T.Text)
If radTD_Dum.Checked = True Then dumF = True 'If dummy rad is checked, then set dumF flag
mb = nudTD_M.Value 'mult index in box
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2921,6 +2953,7 @@ Public Class Main
Dim parm As String 'Usually the concatenation of the elements in the parms array
Dim frames As UShort = TryParseErr_UShort(txtTE_F.Text) 'The amount of frames to limit each subvideo to
Dim FPS As Single = TryParseErr_Single(txtVC_F.Text) 'The framerate FPS as single
Dim FPS_string As String = Single_ToString(FPS, Single_ToString_Types._SINGLE)

'Array of suffixes for the naming conventions in MS Excel A1_N notation (Row, Column)
'It is hardcoded to 6x2, since the components of each length dimension don't go any larger than this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2989,7 +3022,7 @@ Public Class Main

'Properly convert bmp files to MP4: ffmpeg -y -f image2 -framerate FPS -i dummy_N_%03d.bmp out.mp4
cmd = strQUOT & txtFFMPEG.Text & strPATHSEP & exeFMPeg & strQUOT '"C:\FFMPegPath\FFMPeg.exe"
cmd &= " -y -f image2 -framerate " & FPS ' -y -f image2 -framerate FPS
cmd &= " -y -f image2 -framerate " & FPS_string ' -y -f image2 -framerate FPS

file = strQUOT & path & strPATHSEP & "dummy_" & k.ToString() & "_%0" & dg.ToString() & "d.bmp" & strQUOT
cmd &= " -i " & file ' -i "C:\WorkingDir\dummy_M_%0Nd.bmp"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3385,7 +3418,7 @@ Public Class Main
CurPrg(0) = 0
CurPrg(1) = 1
UpdateProg_Ttl(TtlPrg, "Step 10: Feed the JPG frames and any audio files ('" & filename & ".wav') into THPConv.exe to generate " & filename & ".thp (FPS=" & FPS.ToString("F2") & ")")
UpdateProg_Ttl(TtlPrg, "Step 10: Feed the JPG frames and any audio files ('" & filename & ".wav') into THPConv.exe to generate " & filename & ".thp (FPS=" & FPS_string & ")")
UpdateProg_Cur(CurPrg, "Generating THP...", True, False)
Dim hasAudio As Boolean = THPHasAudio()
If hasAudio = False Then
Expand All @@ -3396,7 +3429,7 @@ Public Class Main
cmd = strQUOT & txtTHPConv.Text & strQUOT
file = "-j " & strQUOT & path & strPATHSEP & "*.jpg" & strQUOT
cmd &= " " & file
cmd &= " -r " & FPS.ToString("F2")
cmd &= " -r " & FPS_string
file = strQUOT & path & strPATHSEP & filename & ".thp" & strQUOT
cmd &= " -d " & file
Expand All @@ -3409,7 +3442,7 @@ Public Class Main
cmd &= " " & file
file = strQUOT & path & strPATHSEP & filename & ".wav" & strQUOT
cmd &= " -s " & file
cmd &= " -r " & FPS.ToString("F2")
cmd &= " -r " & FPS_string
file = strQUOT & path & strPATHSEP & filename & ".thp" & strQUOT
cmd &= " -d " & file
End If
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3548,6 +3581,10 @@ Public Class Main
Dim prog2 As Single 'Progress% for other bar
Dim logText As String 'Text for logging

Dim str_SingleA As String = "" '1st percentage value.toString register for text logging
Dim str_SingleB As String = "" '2nd percentage value.toString register for text logging
Const pcent_type As Single_ToString_Types = Single_ToString_Types.PERCENT 'Constant enum value for percent Single conv type

Dim prg As System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar 'Obj ref to this prog bar
Dim prg2 As System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar 'Obj ref to other prog bar
Dim lbl As System.Windows.Forms.Label 'Obj ref to this prog bar's text percentage progress
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3589,12 +3626,12 @@ Public Class Main
'If current value < min 0, then set current to min
value(0) = 0
End If
prg.Value = value(0) 'Set this progress bar current progress
prog = value(0) / value(1) 'Get this progress bar's progress as %
prg.Value = value(0) 'Set this progress bar current progress
prog = value(0) / value(1) 'Get this progress bar's progress as %

prog2 = prg2.Value / prg2.Maximum 'Get other progress bar's progress as %
lbl.Text = prog.ToString("P2") 'Display progress as 2-dig% ("iii.dd%")
lbl.Update() 'Force a lbl update for fast rendering
prog2 = prg2.Value / prg2.Maximum 'Get other progress bar's progress as %
lbl.Text = Single_ToString(prog, pcent_type) 'Display progress as 2-dig% ("iii.dd%")
lbl.Update() 'Force a lbl update for fast rendering

'Handle message (if not null)
If IsNothing(text) = False Then
Expand All @@ -3613,22 +3650,28 @@ Public Class Main
'THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (ttl%,cur%):
If type = False Then
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & prog2.ToString("P2") & "," & prog.ToString("P2") & "):" & strNL & text
str_SingleA = Single_ToString(prog2, pcent_type)
str_SingleB = Single_ToString(prog, pcent_type)
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & prog.ToString("P2") & "," & prog2.ToString("P2") & "): " & strNL & text
str_SingleA = Single_ToString(prog, pcent_type)
str_SingleB = Single_ToString(prog2, pcent_type)
End If
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & str_SingleA & "," & str_SingleB & "):" & strNL & text
End If

'If wait flag, stall app by 3s
If _wait Then Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000)
'If text is null BUT CLI_MODE, log progress. This allows showing of intermediateary progres in CLI_MODE
'If text is null BUT CLI_MODE, log progress. This allows showing of intermediary progres in CLI_MODE
If type = False Then
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & prog2.ToString("P2") & "," & prog.ToString("P2") & ")"
str_SingleA = Single_ToString(prog2, pcent_type)
str_SingleB = Single_ToString(prog, pcent_type)
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & prog.ToString("P2") & "," & prog2.ToString("P2") & ")"
str_SingleA = Single_ToString(prog, pcent_type)
str_SingleB = Single_ToString(prog2, pcent_type)
End If
logText = "THPEnc progress (ttl, cur) = (" & str_SingleA & "," & str_SingleB & ")"
End If
End Sub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3667,12 +3710,13 @@ Public Class Main

Const ext As String = ".log"
Const name As String = "thwimp" 'Base filename
Const dateFormat As String = "MMddyyyy_HHmmss"
Dim _datetime As String = "" 'Current date
Dim _file As String = "" 'Final filename

'Try-Catch-block in case of stupid Y2K-like bug in the far future
_datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy_HHmmss")
_datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString(dateFormat)
Catch ex As Exception
Log_MsgBox(ex, ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Date/Time error in btnLogSave_Click! (Future Y2K-like bug?)", True)
End Try
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4693,9 +4737,12 @@ Public Class Main
Return result
End Function

'Converts String with "True" or "False" into appropriate boolean value
'In = Boolean String
'Out = Boolean value
''' <summary>
''' Converts String with "True" or "False" into appropriate boolean value
''' </summary>
''' <param name="inp">Boolean String</param>
''' <returns>Boolean value</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function BoolStrToBool(ByVal inp As String) As Boolean
Dim outp As Boolean = False 'Output value
If inp = "True" Then outp = True 'If "True" then true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4743,6 +4790,7 @@ Public Class Main
End If
Return outp
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Try parsing a string as Single; if fail, throw error
''' </summary>
Expand All @@ -4757,9 +4805,42 @@ Public Class Main

'TryParse single on a Float using InvariantCulture
Dim style As System.Globalization.NumberStyles = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float
Dim culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Dim result As Boolean = Single.TryParse(inp, style, culture, outp)
If result = False Then Throw New System.Exception("Error parsing string into Single")
Return outp
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Given a single datatype value, returns its string form as a particular format (culture invariant)
''' Function for various related bugfixes for issue #16
''' </summary>
''' <param name="inp">Single value</param>
''' <param name="type">Single_ToString_Types conversion type; see enum definition</param>
''' <returns>Properly formatted single value (culture invariant string)</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function Single_ToString(ByVal inp As Single, ByVal type As Single_ToString_Types) As String
''Bugfix for single ToString culture invariance:

Dim outp As String = "" 'Output string

'Format string to use for Single_ToString_Types type
Dim formatString As String = ""
Select Case type
Case Single_ToString_Types.PERCENT
'If percent, format as 2-digit percent (nn.dd%)
formatString = "P2"
Case Single_ToString_Types._SINGLE
'If single, format as 2-digit single (nn.dd)
formatString = "F2"
Case Single_ToString_Types.FIXED
'If fixed, format as 9-digit format for FFMPEG Audio conversion round-tripping stuff
formatString = "G9"
End Select

'Convert single to appropriate format (culture-invariant); return
outp = inp.ToString(formatString, culture)
Return outp
End Function
End Class
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Thwimp/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("A dual-GUI/CLI utility which views, rips, and helps create THP video files for Mario Kart Wii. Can be modified for usage with other games.")>
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("EagleSoft Ltd")>
<Assembly: AssemblyProduct("Thwimp")>
<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("EagleSoft Ltd 2020")>
<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("EagleSoft Ltd 2021")>
<Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>

<Assembly: ComVisible(False)>
Expand All @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
' by using the '*' as shown below:
' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>

<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US")>

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