This repository contains an implementation of federated learning (FL) with non-IID (non-identically distributed) data. It utilizes a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for image classification tasks, particularly focusing on the MNIST dataset.
The project considers the scenario of local client data duplication for federated learning and achieves deduplication of local data for federated learning under non-independent distribution of data, which shortens the training time of local models.
This project requires the following dependencies:
- Python 3.12.3
- PyTorch
- matplotlib
- psutil
You can install the dependencies using pip:
pip install torch matplotlib psutil
To use this codebase, follow these steps:
1.Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
2.Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd fed-dedup
3.Run the main script to start federated learning:
Or you can open the folder in Pycharm and simply run, make sure that you have already installed the dependencies.
You can find the results of federated learning experiments in this section. Results include training time, CPU usage, memory usage, test accuracy, and loss curves.