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Notes Site

Simple WebApp to aggregate notes in one place

Site live at

home upload

Current stack:

  1. NextJS
  2. ShadCN UI library
  3. Drizzle (ORM)
  4. Neon DB (Postgres Database)
  5. Framer motion
  6. AuthJS (Authentication)
  7. PostHog (Analytics)

Project Docuementation:

Steps to Run locally

  1. populate the .env.example files with own keys
  2. install dependencies using pnpm install command
  3. generate and push schema using drizzle orm
  • pnpm drizzle-kit generate: Generate Schema for DB

  • pnpm drizzle-kit push: Push Schema to DB

  • pnpm drizzle-kit studio: view DB locally(you may need certain things installed and will be prompted to install those if needed)

  1. pnpm dev to start the development server