This repository has everything that is needed to setup my CLI development environment on Linux (including WSL). This is done by running one command as mentioned in the installation section of this README.
My development environment is composed of nvim, tmux, and soon to be added zsh. Many plugins are used with these tools. Note that I use "space" as my leader for nvim and "Ctrl" + "a" for my tmux leader.
Note that my development environment employs the use of a split keyboard that has thumb keys; many of which are reprogrammed to make shortcuts and commands easier.
Before installation, set your terminal to a non-Mono Nerd Font. If you are using a WSL, you will need to install the font to Windows and not the WSL. I personally suggest using "Hack Nerd Font Regular" as your font, which can be found in the .zip downloaded by pressing this link.
To install and have everything setup as I like it, you just have to run the one bash command below and enter your sudo password when requested.
sudo apt install git -y && git clone ~/.config && sudo ~/.config/
Note that if you already have contents in your ~/.config folder the command will not run. I suggest simply renaming your folder and rerunning the command.
Commands & Hotkeys:
- You can reload tmux configs using "leader" + "r"
- Moving between split panels is done with "Ctrl" + vim keys. This works across vim/tmux panel boundaries.
You are welcome to contribute, I encourage any contributions related to bugs and expanding the versatility of the repository. Given this repository is for my personal preference, please open an issue/discussion before submitting a pull request to make sure it is something I would approve of.
- ThatOneKMC
- Anyone who contributed to NvChad, tmux, or nvim.
- Chris Power (typecraft) - Creating great videos for me to learn and steal from.
- Omer Hamerman (DevOps Toolbox) - Creating great videos for me to learn and steal from.