Created by : Erestu Zhang.
2019 / 12 / 17 @Nanjing
check Ubuntu下Latex安装及中文配置
- Install Tex Live: Basic LaTex packages.
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base
- Installs all LaTex CJK packages.
sudo apt-get install latex-cjk-all
- Install some LaTeX supplementary packages
If you need some other packages,run
apt-cache search lastpage
, then you will see:exlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX supplementary packages
- finally,just install it by running
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
- Install a texmaker,it's a graphical user interface for editing.
sudo apt-get install texmaker
- For using
for chinese using.sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex
- support for cmd
apt-cache show texlive-publishers
sudo apt-get install texlive-publishers
- open
- search->type
- double click
- you'll see the icons of
,etc. - there are two right arrows on the top,and two select boxs,for the first select box,you can choose to build
,etc. For the second select box,you can choose to checkPDF
,etc.After chosing the function you want,click the first arrow,then click the second arrow.
- search->type
After installing VSCode,
install extension
LaTex Workshop
edit file->preferences->Settings->settings.json
"": [ { "name": "latexmk", "command": "latexmk", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-error", "-pdf", "%DOC%" ] }, { "name": "xelatex", "command": "xelatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-error", "%DOC%" ] }, { "name": "pdflatex", "command": "pdflatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-error", "%DOC%" ] }, { "name": "bibtex", "command": "bibtex", "args": [ "%DOCFILE%" ] }* install extension `LaTex Workshop` ], "": [ { "name": "xelatex", "tools": [ "xelatex" ] }, { "name": "pdflatex", "tools": [ "pdflatex" ] }, { "name": "latexmk", "tools": [ "latexmk" ] }, { "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2", "tools": [ "pdflatex", "bibtex", "pdflatex", "pdflatex" ] } ],
ctrl + allt + B
or click the icon on the left bar,clicktex
first and thenrecipe:xelatex->bibtex->xelatex*2
andView in VSCode tab
file and save asref.bib
. -
for example ,edit
@article{goodfellow2014generative, title={Generative Adversarial Nets}, author={Goodfellow, Ian and Pougetabadie, Jean and Mirza, Mehdi and Xu, Bing and Wardefarley, David and Ozair, Sherjil and Courville, Aaron and Bengio, Yoshua}, pages={2672--2680}, year={2014}}
and save the file.
add cite package in tex file add
add citation setting,put
\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{ref}
infront of
indicates the bib file created above. *\bibliographystyle{plain}
specifies the presentation of references. There are 8 options for common preset styles, which are:1. plain, arranged in alphabetical order, the comparison order is author, year and title; 2. unsrt, the style is the same as plain, but in order of reference; 3. alpha, using the first letter of the author's name + the last two years as the label, sorted alphabetically; 4. abbrv, similar to plain, changes the month to the abbreviation, which is more compact; 5. ieeetr, journal style of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 6. acm, journal style of American Computer Society; 7. Siam, Journal of the American Academy of Industrial and Applied Mathematics; 8. apalike, journal style of the American Psychological Association;
add citation
export as PDF
It is the project of recording daily used templates.