Based on Michael Zaletskyi tutorial Make a Stellar React + NASA API App This project uses Nasa APOD (Astronomy Picture Of The Day) API to fetch an image with some data and show to the user.
Go to and generate an API KEY. Create a .env file in the root folder and put your api key inside a variable REACT_APP_NASA_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE". Don't forget to add .env to .gitingore so your api key doesn't go public.
This project is using s3 for deployment, to make this work, you need to have aws setup in your machine with your credentials. Create a bucket in s3 and edit In s3://nasaphotoapod change to s3://{{yourBucketNameHere!}}
Run this command to run a production build and upload to your s3 bucket.
npm run deploy
- Insert an input to use date parameter
- UI improvements
- Have new ideas