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Holochain for NixOS

To-Do List

  1. Separate my settings from other settings in configuration.nix.
  2. Allow Holochain to take the Lair URL as a CLI flag so the conductor configuration can be static.

Consume the NixOS modules exported by this flake

You'll need to configure your NixOS installation to use flakes, if you haven't already. Then you can add this flake as an input. Something like:

    inputs = {
        # ...
        hc-nixos.url = "github:ThetaSinner/hc-nixos";
        # ...

This flake attempts to provide Holochain for its upcoming and stable releases. Currently, this would be the 0.5 development versions, the 0.4 stable versions and the 0.3 maintenance versions.

There isn't necessarily a migration path between minor versions of Holochain, so please refer to Holochain documentation when upgrading. Just changing the version that you are consuming from this flake is unlikely to work.

The following is a very rough, sample flake. It will get you up and running, but you likely want to make improvements.

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-24.11";
    hc-nixos = {
      url = "github:ThetaSinner/hc-nixos?ref=main";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, hc-nixos }: {
    nixosConfigurations.nuc = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [
        hc-nixos.nixosModules.hcCommon # Adds groups and users
        hc-nixos.nixosModules.lair-keystore-for-0_4 # Define the Lair service
        hc-nixos.nixosModules.conductor-0_4 # Define the Conductor service
        ({ pkgs, ... }: {
          services.lair-keystore-for-0_4 = {
            enable = true;
            id = "lair";
            package = hc-nixos.inputs.holonix-0_4.packages.x86_64-linux.lair-keystore;
            passphrase = "pass"; # Secret, conductor must launch with the same phrase

          services.conductor-0_4 = {
            enable = true;
            id = "conductor";
            lairId = "lair";
            package = hc-nixos.inputs.holonix-0_4.packages.x86_64-linux.holochain;
            keystorePassphrase = "pass"; # Secret, see Lair

          # Include the Holochain tools and sqlcipher which can be useful for debugging or fixing corrupted sqlite databases etc.
          environment.systemPackages = [
          ] ++ (with pkgs; [

You shouldn't need to make any changes in your configuration.nix file. At this point you should be able to test with

sudo nixos-rebuild switch test

If both the Lair and Conductor services come up without errors then you can test with:

hc sandbox -f 8000 call list-cells

This should print out a single line which contains a DnaHash and AgentPubKey for DPKI. If all is well, you can switch to the new configuration:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

Other ways of running Holochain

You are free to override the configuration, run with an embedded Lair keystore or even run multiple Holochain versions side by side. I've started adding NixOS tests to demonstrate some different ways of running Holochain and showing how to configure it. You may use the tests under tests as a reference if you want some hints about how to do this.

Please note that the tests are not intended to be secure or production ready. They are primarily for verification and to demonstrate how to configure Holochain in different ways. It's left to you to ensure that your Holochain configuration is appropriate for your use-case.

Testing interactively with a VM

To boot up a VM and see Holochain running, you can use the following command:

nix run .#vm-0_4

Then you will be able to check the state of the system. For example:

systemctl status conductor-0_4

Run the tests

nix flake check --all-systems


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