.env_example Stub of .env file. There are some defaults there for the rate limiting and latency
.env Holds config details and API Keys
├── abis
Holds ABI jsons, constants and helper methods for using abi function signatures with mulitcall.py
├── app
The main app of the dashboard. Has configuation details and a startup script.
├── constants.py
Onchain addresses and app relatated constants (paths, api keys, etc)
├── database
The .db files themselves and methods to read and write processed event and onchain data using sqlite.
├── data_fetching
Methods to quickly fetch contract events and onchain function calls.
├── destinations.py
Defines what a "Destination" is and how to get all destinations deployed since launch. This is relevant because one set of Dex / Staking contract can be used by multiple Autopools. Also destinations are occasioanlly updated and this lets them be stiched together on the UI. Eg if a destination calculator is upgraded we still want to think of that as the same destination even though one of the contracts is different.
├── pages
Each subfolder here is a seperate tab. In general I'm trying to keep the logic for each tab in a seperate folder. However there is still some overlap.
For example:
The Destination Diagnostics tab uses data from the getDestinationSummaryStats()
call but that data is fetched and stored in the Autopool Diagnostics tab because it is primarily used by charts in that tab.
Go though each page and autopool in the UI and ensures that it can run without error. Run this with $ poetry run test-pages