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A simple lock file library.
- Provides mutual exclusion for scripts that require the same resource.
- Requires three additional lines of code in your script, including sourcing the library.
- Scripts using Keyway can be configured to either terminate or busy-wait if a resource is blocked.
- Keyway will report when an external error was caught and there are lock files in the lock directory.
acquire_lock_for "your_task_name"
- If the resource is not locked, your task will execute, otherwise it will terminate.
acquire_spinlock_for "your_task_name"
- If the resource is locked, your task will wait until the lock has been released before acquiring its own lock and executing.
- Your application was not able to acquire lock.
- There was some other problem:
- Keyway could not create the lock directory.
- Keyway could not create or remove a lock.
- An error was caught and there are lock files in the lock directory.
source keyway_lib.sh
# optionally override the lock file directory
# attempt to lock the shared resource
acquire_lock_for "your_task_name"
# if the lock was successful, execute the task
echo "executing critical section"
# release the lock when the task is done
release_lock_for "your_task_name"