An app for tracking your pantry and storing all your delicious recipes!
Requires MongoDB (Not going to rewrite the docs, go here to read how to do it you lazy bum.)
npm install
You'll also need to setup set an environment variable to point to your DB host
DB_HOST = <url>
For development, first you'll need to start the node server which delivers the crud api:
npm start
This will run on port 3000. Technically you can fire up postman and just start fiddling with the api part at this point.
In another console dialog within the same directory, start the vue-cli server for the front end:
npm run serve
This will run on 8080. NOTE, this is setup to proxy any /api
path with localhost:3000
, therefore you can access the api on port 8080.
IE: localhost:8080/api/v1/recipe
First, run a production build of the front-end:
npm run build
Then start the api server:
npm start
The api server serves it's own front-end, but unlike the development setup, it serves the production build of the front-end at localhost:3000
Obvs, this can be forked, and served up with a digital ocean droplet and nginx or whatever you want to do. You do you.