Releases: TrunkRecorder/trunk-recorder
v5.0.1 - P25 Custom Band Plans
Thanks to @tadscottsmith for adding support for custom band plans for P25 systems!! 🎉
v5.0 - Improve Conventional & CSV/JSON handling
Improved conventional support
There is also better handling of CSV and JSON files.
v4.7.2 - Misc Patches
What's Changed
- Fs copy fix for "Invalid cross-device link" by @taclane in #886
- make it work with boost 1.78+ by @taclane in #887
- simplestream updates to send variable-length JSON metadata along with streaming audio packets by @aaknitt in #891
- trace log some repetitive P25 messages by @rosecitytransit in #896
- Added Build of RC branches by @ge0metrix in #902
- Fix by @aaknitt in #899
- Fix minor typos in debug logging for opcode 0x28 by @anthonykava in #905
- Fix bad link in by @stazio in #921
- update community tools in by @cschmittiey in #890
- Potential docker enhancements & two-stage build by @jquagga in #940
- Control Channel Retune Handling by @tadscottsmith in #954
- Revert "Control Channel Retune Handling" by @robotastic in #955
New Contributors
- @anthonykava made their first contribution in #905
- @stazio made their first contribution in #921
- @cschmittiey made their first contribution in #890
- @jquagga made their first contribution in #940
Full Changelog: v4.7.1...v4.7.2
v4.7.1 - analog recorder bug fix
patching a small whoopsie - I tried lowering the attenuation on some of the filters in the analog recorder, but didn't test
v4.7.0 - Improved TG / Config file handling
What's Changed
- Transmission archive fix by @taclane in #834
- Include TDMA slot number in transmission_sink(). by @tadscottsmith in #835
- enable non free drivers for gr-osmosdr to get SDRplay for RSP1A support by @robbiet480 in #837
- chore: Update documentation around multiSite feature... by @makegofast in #845
- Update for Bookworm. by @Dygear in #844
- Fix RecordUnknown behaviors by @taclane in #842
- Fix SoapySDRPlay3 edgecase by @USA-RedDragon in #853
- README: add Prometheus plugin by @USA-RedDragon in #854
- Capture P25 RFSS and Site ID information. by @tadscottsmith in #846
- Updated config by @robotastic in #856
- ci: push to both GHCR and Docker Hub by @USA-RedDragon in #861
- rdio-scanner: Fix systemID to match the datatype used in rdio-scanner by @USA-RedDragon in #860
- Broadcastify Plugin: System ID should be an int by @james-coder in #859
- Channel csv fix by @robotastic in #862
- Multisite updates and improvements by @taclane in #863
- load channelFile items into system channels vector by @taclane in #865
- fix parse error errors by @taclane in #864
- call_info update by @taclane in #867
- improve duplicate detection for p25p2 TDMA by @taclane in #866
- better uint8_t fix by @taclane in #870
- Parse Motorola Patch Group Grant service options by @ArrEssJay in #869
- Added missing include that caused builds to fail on Fedora 38 by @faultywarrior in #872
- Demote conventional "Group Mismatch" errors by @taclane in #871
- Proposed Feature: NO_COLOR console or logfile output by @taclane in #878
- Demote "Decoding System Site" error message by @taclane in #877
- Adjust integer config values to double by @taclane in #876
- Sigmf update by @robotastic in #882
- Op25 update Nov 2023 by @robotastic in #883
New Contributors
- @makegofast made their first contribution in #845
- @USA-RedDragon made their first contribution in #853
- @james-coder made their first contribution in #859
- @ArrEssJay made their first contribution in #869
- @faultywarrior made their first contribution in #872
Full Changelog: v4.6.0...v4.7.0
v4.6.0 - Improve Call Handling
What's Changed
- Update "program" version to 4.5.0. by @Dygear in #751
- Cleaned up Rdio Scanner talkgroup display logs. by @tadscottsmith in #750
- adjust Source sample rate to match SDR sample rate by @aaknitt in #753
- Create log file earlier by @aaknitt in #754
- Enable/Disable config sections by @taclane in #756
- broadcastify: add option to disable ssl certificate verification by @galenguyer in #757
- Update signaling decoders to print logs via boost info log instead of plain stdout by @EricTendian in #759
- help screen fix by @taclane in #767
- Adding support for regex in unitTagsFile by @EricTendian in #764
- Enable Multi-site mode features. by @tadscottsmith in #758
- Use more compatible cmake command by @dotsam in #768
- Multi-site bug fixes and improvements. by @tadscottsmith in #770
- Clean up a few debug warning messages. by @tadscottsmith in #771
- Update Homebrew instructions by @taclane in #776
- use iterators for std::fill, fix out of bounds access by @Jannik2099 in #782
- Console log cleanup by @taclane in #784
- OpenMHz Uploader update by @robotastic in #794
- Spelling fixes and additional call stat reporting by @taclane in #798
- Ignore missing files by @devicenull in #796
- UnitID alpha improvements and decode error display by @taclane in #785
- Fix freq offset variable declarations in trunking messages by @taclane in #802
- Update call_concluder.h by @taclane in #801
- updates to the latest version of OP25 by @robotastic in #803
- actual crash fix this time by @gisforgirard in #800
- Remove sys num by @robotastic in #805
- Fix p25 parse by @robotastic in #806
- update boost log line by @taclane in #804
- Fixes retuning the CC when it has to move to a new source by @robotastic in #810
- Feature/message hook by @robotastic in #814
- update/edit and docs/, 3 minor fixes by @rosecitytransit in #816
- Release/new call mgmt by @robotastic in #817
- P25 Trunking Message Improvements by @robotastic in #820
- add option to disable output to console, docs/ formatting by @rosecitytransit in #819
- Feature/temp dir by @robotastic in #823
- correct callLog option in docs/ to true to match code by @rosecitytransit in #824
- Per-day call log plugin, log P25 priority/mode/duplex by @rosecitytransit in #482
- fix readme links by @robbiet480 in #831
- fixes conventionalDMR plugin support by @ellery in #828
- Add Config support for Soft Vocoder by @robotastic in #832
New Contributors
- @Jannik2099 made their first contribution in #782
- @ellery made their first contribution in #828
Full Changelog: v4.5.0...v4.6.0
v4.5.0 - Teamwork is Dream Work Edition
Huge shout to the community on this release! @aaknitt persistences helped us track down a bug that has been driving us all nuts - having the wrong audio in the wrong file. His issue ( #731 ) was the second most commented for this project. And it couldn't have been solved with out @taclane & @tadscottsmith detective work. @galenguyer also had a stunning debut PR by smashing all of the annoying warnings during compile.
What's Changed
- Set d_call to null to prevent potential use after free by @galenguyer in #739
- Documenting maxDuration config param by @EricTendian in #741
- Conventional recorder info for MQTT and status-server plugins by @taclane in #744
- Cleanup dropped samples logging. by @tadscottsmith in #745
- Multiple CMake fixes and version updates to resolve compiler warnings by @galenguyer in #738
- Log cleanup by @tadscottsmith in #749
New Contributors
- @galenguyer made their first contribution in #739
Full Changelog: v4.4.2...v4.5.0
v4.4.2 - Improved logs, CSV parsing, Broadcastify fix
What's Changed
- Fix logging when all transmissions are removed. by @tadscottsmith in #735
- Fixes issue mentioned in #691 by @Dygear in #733
- Improve CSV parsing to allow quoted and escaped fields by @EricTendian in #734
- Updated Broadcastify Uploader to make it more robust by @robotastic in #736
Full Changelog: v4.4.1...v4.4.2
v4.4.1 - Priority and AirSpy improvements
What's Changed
- Fix for #606 by @JoeGilkey in #721
- Improved Talkgroup Priority Logging by @tadscottsmith in #700
- Build gr-osmosdr in Docker with multiple Airspy source patch by @EricTendian in #727
Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.4.1
v4.4.0 - Improved call timeout tracking
What's Changed
- M/A-COM patch following enhancement by @aaknitt in #643
- Conventional Channel Information by @robotastic in #652
- Note on column headings for priority detection by @hayden-t in #650
- Add TCP support to simplestream plugin by @aaknitt in #649
- Add per-system configuration option for minimum transmission length. by @tadscottsmith in #654
- GNU Radio typo by @777arc in #655
- Fix op25 errors by @tadscottsmith in #659
- Report Errors/Spikes to Rdio Scanner by @taclane in #660
- Set alpha tag for conventional talkgroup and restore startup console message by @taclane in #662
- Log data channel grants, unit answer requests, Location Reg Responses by @rosecitytransit in #661
- minor fix to unit answer reqest logging by @rosecitytransit in #663
- a new approach for tracking call timeouts by @robotastic in #664
- Simplestream fixes by @aaknitt in #671
- Fix missing audio on rdio-scanner web and mobile devices by @kb2ear in #668
- Update macOS Build Instructions by @dechilders in #680
- Add config option to not record Unit-to-Unit voice calls by @tadscottsmith in #667
- Public Plugin API by @robotastic in #681
- Remove extra characters by @dechilders in #684
- Raspberry Pi Bullseye & Ubuntu 22.04 Updates. by @Dygear in #685
- added --version switch to pull both github and CMake version information as well as log the Version info into the log file by @rabarar in #688
- Remove nested BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL to fix erroneous log level display by @taclane in #692
- Add initial support for gnuradio 3.10. by @geezer85 in #682
- Added debian notes to PI install. by @Dygear in #695
- Update by @joe00dev in #696
- Include boost/filesystem header by @geezer85 in #698
- P25p2 uid by @robotastic in #708
- Op25 june 22 by @robotastic in #709
- mark one function visible to allow shared build by @ZeroChaos- in #720
- modified version switch to build without .git repo directory and adde… by @rabarar in #715
New Contributors
- @777arc made their first contribution in #655
- @kb2ear made their first contribution in #668
- @dechilders made their first contribution in #680
- @rabarar made their first contribution in #688
- @geezer85 made their first contribution in #682
- @joe00dev made their first contribution in #696
- @ZeroChaos- made their first contribution in #720
Full Changelog: v4.3.2...v4.4.0