Releases: UCHIC/CIWS-MWM-Logger
Releases · UCHIC/CIWS-MWM-Logger
Version 1.1.0
This release contains updates to the datalogger firmware code and a completed printed circuit board (PCB) design for bulk manufacturing of the datalogger hardware.
- Added completed PCB design and manufacturing files
- Updated documentation.
- Added SD card writing error detection. The firmware now attempts to detect errors and starts over with a new data file if an error is detected.
- Added user-adjustable data recording interval. This can now be configured by the user through the firmware's interface.
- Modified firmware to chunk data files by day instead of creating one long file for the whole logging period
- Added the ability for a user to input the conversion factor from pulses to flow rate (GPM) rather than picking a meter size.
- Updated firmware documentation.
Known Issues
- Despite changes in this issue there we are still experiencing some issues with SD card writing. These issues will be fixed in a subsequent release.
Version 1.0.0
This version of the MWM datalogger materials (December 2019) is a first formal release of working code that we are actively using in the field for data collection.
Datalogger hardware:
- Base logger is an Arduino Pro with code written in Arduino IDE
- Hardware is running at 3.3 V and 8 MHz
- Works with a sensor installed on the outside of a magnetically driven residential water meter
- Processes data from a LIS3MDL magnetometer sensor sampling at 570 Hz
Software includes the following features:
- Stores pulse count from water meter on an SD Card - full SD cards or MicroSD can be used in sizes up to 32GB (we are currently using 8 GB cards)
- Provides menu options for pulse count resolution, initialization of date and time, diagnostic listing of current water flow, control over starting and stopping logging sessions
Known issues:
- With this version there is a known issue in writing data to the SD card that causes some data files to become corrupt. We believe that this is power-related.