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HelloCube samples

Video: Entities "HelloCube" samples walkthrough (30 minutes)

These very simple samples demonstrate the basic elements of the Entities API.

MainThread sample

The sample rotates two cubes, a parent and its child.

The larger cube has a RotationSpeedAuthoring MonoBehavior, which adds a RotationSpeed IComponentData to the entity in baking. At runtime, the RotationSpeedSystem spins all entities having the RotationSpeed component (in this case, just the single parent cube).

IJobEntity sample

This sample is the same as "MainThread", except the RotationSpeedSystem now uses a job (an IJobEntity) to spin the cubes instead of doing so directly on the main thread. Also, the Y-axis scale of the cube is fluctuated between 1 and -1 by setting the cube's PostTransformMatrix component.

Aspects sample

This sample is like "MainThread", except the RotationSpeedSystem now uses an aspect to move the cube up and down.

Prefabs sample

The sample contains a single non-rendered entity with a Spawner component that references a cube prefab.

At runtime, the SpawnSystem spawns many instances of the cube prefab and places the instances at random positions. The RotationSpeedSystem makes the cubes rotate and fall. The FallAndDestroySystem destroys cubes when they fall below y coord 0. Once all cubes are destroyed, SpawnSystem will spawn more cubes.

IJobChunk sample

This sample is like "IJobEntity", but it uses an IJobChunk instead of IJobEntity. Compared to IJobEntity, IJobChunk requires more boilerplate, but it provides more explicit control in some use cases.

Reparenting sample

At regular intervals, the smaller cubes are parented and un-parented from the large rotating cube.

EnableableComponents sample

The EnabelableComponent state of the rotating cubes are toggled at regular intervals, causing them to start and stop rotating.

GameObjectSync sample

This sample contains an entity with a transform that rotates, but the entity itself is not rendered. Instead, the entity syncs its transform with a rendered GameObject. A UI checkbox toggles the rotation on and off.

CrossQuery sample

This sample demonstrates how to compare entities from two separate queries. At runtime:

  • The SpawnSystem creates two sets of boxes: 10 white boxes and 10 black boxes.
  • The MoveSystem moves the white and black boxes back and forth starting in opposite directions.
  • The CollisionSystem changes the color of a box when it intersects another: white boxes become pink and black boxes become green.

The CollisionSystem performs the intersection tests in one of two ways, toggled by an #if in the code:

  • The #if true solution copies the entity id's and transforms of the boxes to arrays, then it loops over every box (using SystemAPI.Query) to compare its position against every other box.
  • The #if false solution does the work in a job and avoids having to copy the boxes by passing the entity chunks to the job.

RandomSpawn sample

At runtime:

  • The RandomSpawn system spawns 200 boxes at regular intervals and positions them at random points along the edge of a circle.
  • The MovementSystem moves the boxes downward and destroys them when their y coordinate becomes less than zero.

Because the boxes are positioned in a parallel job, randomly positioning the boxes requires a unique random seed value for every box.

FirstPersonController sample

A very simple first-person controller that demonstrates basic input handling and coordination with a GameObject (the camera).

FixedTimestep sample

This sample demonstrates how to update systems at a fixed rate, similar to the MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate method.


A simple custom transform system specialized for 2D instead of 3D.

StateChange sample

These samples demonstrate different ways of expressing state changes. Numerous cubes are spawned on a plane, and clicking toggles all cubes within a radius between two states: white and stationary; or red and spinning. There are four solutions:

  • Enableable component: The cube state is represented by enabling and disabling a component.
  • Structural change: The cube state is represented by adding and removing a component.
  • Value change: The cube state is represented by a component value.

ClosestTarget sample

This sample is similar to the jobs tutorial: Seekers (green cubes) and Targets (red cubes) each move slowly in a random direction on a 2D plane. A white debug line is drawn from each Seeker to the nearest Target.

In the subscene, the "Simulation" GameObject has a "SettingsAuthoring" component with a "Spatial Partitioning" value which controls how the Seekers find their Targets:

  • None: The brute force option. For every Seeker, the NoPartitioning loops through every Target to find the Target closest to the Seeker.
  • Simple: This option uses the same spatial partioning demonstrated in step 4 of the jobs tutorial.
  • KD Tree: This option uses a k-d tree (a tree of points in a k-dimensional space) for spatial partitioning.

Spatial partitioning allows each Seeker to find its closest target without having to consider every Target. Even the simple partitioning solution scales much better than if we use no partitioning at all, and the k-d tree solution performs even better at very large scales. For example, with 30,000 Seekers and 30,000 Targets on my 8-core CPU, the TargetingSystem is about twice as fast using the k-d tree solution compared to the simple solution, and more than a hundred times faster compared to the no partitioning solution.