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ericbarnes edited this page Mar 3, 2012 · 2 revisions

Laravel Bundle App

The goal is to show a list of bundles in an easy browsable website. Once a bundle is found the developer should be able to either download it, use Laravel cli to install it, or to browse its repo.

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Rating / Reviews

Rating and reviews can get complicated and we want to keep the first release very basic and simple. So with that in mind ideally we will just include a simple thumbs up vote on the bundle detail page.


We had a little debate over the best way to handle this. Currently we have three or more options:

  1. Stand alone user system
  2. Integrate with laravel forums
  3. Integrate with github api
  4. Hybrid where an account can have multiple sub accounts. (Main acct, forum acct, github acct.)

Each one of these has pluses and minuses and I will try and outline my thoughts below:

Laravel Forums


  • One login for all of the laravel site.
  • Most should already have an account.


  • Have to either modify the laravel forum code base or tap into the forum db.
  • Have to research how the forum hashing passwords and sets sessions

Github Api


  • I believe users to authenticate so we can pull commit logs and other api related items.
  • Most should already have an account.


  • What happens if we another code hosting site comes out and everyone switches to it.
  • Vendor lock in.


In my opinion we want bundles to be easy to add and easy to manage. Ideally the less information we require the better and ideally pull as much from the vc system as possible.

Bundle Fields

  • id
  • created_at
  • updated_at
  • title
  • summary: On the fence here.
  • description: If blank pulls the repos read me.
  • installation: Any unique installation instructions?
  • website
  • repo_url
  • dependencies: Need more info on how we will do this.

Description notes:

When searching for bundles it may be good to actually have text in the description field so we have more to search on besides the title.


At the beginning the rating will be just a simple thumbs up vote and here is my idea of table structure:

  • id
  • bundle_id
  • created_at
  • vote
  • user_id - Should this be limited to just logged in users?
  • ip_address


A clean tagging system will be ideal so developers adding bundles can just place either existing tags or new tags. I feel like ideally we should try and limit new tags so we don't end up with a huge list of tags. IE: twitter, twitter-oauth, twitter-widget, etc.