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FTS benchmark comparing Postgres, Typesense, Meilisearch, OpenSearch and SQLite


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Postgres Full Text Search ("FTS") benchmark

This is a benchmark of Postgres FTS versus other solutions:


To run the tests, please ensure you have the following installed on your machine:


To set up testing data and run the full benchmark with all FTS engines:

make # equivalent to `make setup run-all`

To run only a single benchmark (in this case, with Postgres FTS):

FTS_ENGINE=pg make setup run

(FTS_ENGINE = 'pg' | 'meilisearch' | 'typesense' | 'opensearch' | 'sqlite-disk')

To only install dependencies:

make setup


The benchmark in this repository uses the a public domain movie dataset:

  • On Kaggle

  • On HuggingFace, in particular the following columns:

  • homepage

  • title

  • original_title

  • overview

  • production_companies

  • spoken_languages

  • tagline

Data is processed from CSV into newline delimited JSON (see movies.ndjson.json.gz).

How the benchmark works

Environment variables

ENV Variable Default Example Description
FTS_ENGINE N/A pg The FTS engine to use
DEBUG N/A true Enable debug mode
TIMING N/A true Enable timing information display
DATA_MOVIES_CSV_ZIPPED_PATH ./movies.csv.gz /path/to/movies.csv.gz Path to the movie data set
DATA_MOVIES_CSV_PATH ./movies.csv /path/to/movies.csv Path to the movie data set, uncompressed
DATA_MOVIES_NDJSON_PATH ./movies.ndjson.json /path/to/movies.ndjson.json Path to the newline delimited JSON data for movies
SEARCH_PHRASES_NDJSON_PATH ./search-phrases.ndjson.json /path/to/search-phrases.ndjson.json Path to search phrases to use as newline delimited JSON

Some variables are used per-run and are normally set by more ergonomic top-level Makefile targets:

ENV Variable Default Example Description
INPUT_CSV_PATH $(DATA_MOVIES_CSV_ZIPPED_PATH) /path/to/movies2.csv.gz Path to compressed CSV (normally unzipped by Makefile target)
OP N/A ingest Operation to perform
SQLITE_DISK_DB_PATH ./fts-sqlite-disk-db.sqlite :memory: SQLite DB path
PG_URL postgres://$(PG_USER):$(PG_PASSWORD)@$(PG_HOST):$(PG_PORT)/$(PG_DB) postgres://localhost Postgres DB path
TYPESENSE_HOST localhost typesense.domain.tld Hostname for Typesense server
TYPESENSE_PORT 8108 8109 Port for Typesense server
TYPESENSE_API_KEY badtypesenseapikey tttttttttttttttt API key for Typesense server
MEILI_HOST localhost meili.domain.tld Hostname for MeiliSearch server
MEILI_PORT 7700 7701 Port for MeiliSearch
MEILI_URL http://$(MEILI_HOST):$(MEILI_PORT) https://meili.domain.tld Full URL to use when accessing Meilisearch
MEILI_API_KEY $(MEILI_MASTER_KEY) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MeiliSearch API key
OPENSEARCH_PROTOCOL http https Protocol to use when accessing OpenSearch service
OPENSEARCH_HOST localhost opensearch.domain.tld Host for OpenSearch server
OPENSEARCH_PORT 9200 9201 Port for OpenSearch server
OPENSEARCH_AUTH_USERNAME admin admin Admin username for OpenSearch server
OPENSEARCH_AUTH_PASSWORD admin hunter2 Admin password for OpenSearch server

See Makefile for the code and other variables that might be excluded here.

Running a single benchmark

A single benchmark can be run with the following command:

FTS_ENGINE=<engine> make setup run

Options for FTS_ENGINE:

  • pg
  • meilisearch
  • typesense
  • sqlite.

To run the ingest & query tests with Postgres:

TIMING=true FTS_ENGINE=pg make run

If an error occurs during set up, consider tearing down the existing FTS_ENGINE:

FTS_ENGINE=pg make engine-stop

Setup/Teardown of a single backing service

To control the setup/teardown of a single backing service, use the engine-start and engine-stop top level targets.

For example, if you wanted to start MeiliSearch and poke around on the instance:

FTS_ENGINE=meilisearch make engine-start

After this command returns, you should have an instance of meilisearch running with a stable name (fts-$(FTS_ENGINE)):

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                            NAMES
4d7c0efdf5cf   getmeili/meilisearch:v0.28.1   "tini -- /bin/meilis…"   7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds>7700/tcp                         fts-meili

To stop the service:

FTS_ENGINE=meilisearch make engine-stop

Ingesting documents

Ingesting data into each separate solution is different, and code to do each can be found under src/driver/<engine>.js. For example, the src/driver/pg.mjs contains the code to enable document ingestion to Postgres.

Performing queries

Queries to be performed in the test are specified via YAML and stored in search-phrases.ndjson.json.

This file is read by the automation and related scripts.

Clearing data

To clear all the data inbetween runs:

sudo make clean # sudo is likely needed to clear docker container data folders


FTS benchmark comparing Postgres, Typesense, Meilisearch, OpenSearch and SQLite







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