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Our AI powered Slack chatbot For our veterans.

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J0di3: Programming Education Slackbot for Veterans and Military Spouses

Welcome to the J0di3 project, a dedicated effort to empower veterans and military spouses by teaching them programming. Through the J0di3 Slack chatbot, integrated with OpenAI's GPT model, we aim to provide instant programming assistance and resources. This initiative allows our coaches to dedicate more time to personalized mentorship, fostering a supportive learning environment for our community members to thrive in the tech industry.

Project Mission

J0di3 is not just a tool; it's a virtual mentor and a gateway to the tech world for those who have served our country and their spouses. By leveraging cutting-edge AI, J0di3 offers tailored learning experiences, answers coding queries, and connects users with a wealth of programming resources.

Getting Involved

Your contribution is crucial to the success of this project. Whether you're a software developer, an educational content creator, or someone passionate about supporting our veterans and military spouses, there's a place for you here.


  • Commitment to the cause of empowering our veterans and military spouses.
  • Familiarity with the technologies we use: Python, Slack API, and OpenAI's GPT.
  • Understanding of basic programming concepts.

How to Contribute

To ensure a smooth contribution process, we follow Vets Who Code protocols and best practices:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the J0di3 project repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Branching Strategy: Always create a new branch from the main branch for your work. Name your branch with a prefix that describes the type of work you're doing (e.g., feature/add-new-exercise, bugfix/resolve-chat-issue).
  3. Set Up and Install: After cloning your forked repository, set up your development environment and install necessary dependencies.
  4. Commit Your Changes: Make your changes in a clear and concise manner. Write commit messages that accurately describe your modifications and follow the Vets Who Code commit message guidelines.
  5. Submit a Pull Request (PR): Once you've completed your work, submit a pull request to the main repository. Ensure your PR description clearly outlines the changes and the value they add to the project.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Inclusivity: Ensure your contributions are inclusive, accessible, and considerate of our diverse community members.
  • Documentation: Keep documentation clear, updated, and user-friendly to help onboard new contributors and users effectively.
  • Educational Focus: When contributing educational content or programming challenges, aim for clarity, relevance, and engagement.
  • Community Support: Engage with our community on Slack. Offer help, answer questions, and provide feedback constructively.

Join Our Community

Your first step to contributing is joining our community. Here, you'll find support, collaboration, and the collective wisdom of like-minded individuals committed to our cause.

  • Slack Workspace: Join us on Slack. Check out the #j0di3-project channel to start collaborating.
  • GitHub Issues: For technical contributions or suggestions, please use our GitHub issues to discuss improvements or report bugs.

Code of Conduct

Our community is built on respect, support, and the mutual desire to help veterans and military spouses succeed in tech. Read our Code of Conduct before contributing to ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all participants.


  • OpenAI: For the GPT model that powers our chatbot, enabling us to offer personalized and intelligent programming assistance.
  • Slack: For providing the platform that supports our real-time mentorship and learning experiences.

By contributing to the J0di3 project, you're not just writing code; you're actively participating in a mission to change lives. Together, we can offer our veterans and military spouses the opportunities and support they need to build rewarding careers in technology.


Our AI powered Slack chatbot For our veterans.






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