This repository contains a small demonstration of how a flaw in the gramine protected files mechanism can be exploited by an attacker
The repository contains a python enclave template that runs an encrypted script (scripts/ which is at the same time trusted and protected). The key to the script is stored on the server, which gives it to the enclave using the remote attestation mechanism. In this example, the server does not check the enclave measurement, but only displays it. In real life, the server checks the measurement and transmits the key only after verification.
The repository also contains two python scripts:
- - non-malicious
- - trying to steal secrets meant for other enclaves
and two keys:
- wrap-key (ffeeddccbbaa99887766554434221100) - this key encrypts the helloworld script
- wrap-key2 (00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff) - this key encrypts the malicious script
and build script which:
- encrypts scripts with appropriate keys
- prepares and signs the enclave (you have to prepare the key and place it according to your gramine version)
- builds a server
Prepare sign key
Remember the Enclave measurement
Run the server, pass the first key as an argument
Run the first script in the enclave, make sure the mrenclave and key are correct
Stop the server and replace encrypted script helloworld with encrypted script malicious (crypted.py_ ->
Run the server, pass the second key as an argument and run the second script in the enclave.
Make sure the mrenclave and key are correct. Stop the server. The script continues to run.
Run the server again, pass the first key as an argument.
Malicious script gets the key.
When preparing an enclave, a manifest (.manifest.sgx) file is created that contains the necessary information about the enclave, including hashes of trusted files. Manifest hash affects enclave measurement. When trying to access trusted files, their integrity is checked. However, if the file is both trusted and protected, its integrity is not checked, only the validity of the key is checked. Thus, an attacker can replace a protected file without changing the enclave measurement. A server can only trust an enclave based on its measurements. And since the measurements does not change, the server gives the key to the one to whom it is not intended. One solution is to modify the gramine: add file integrity check based on the hash (of an unencrypted file for example) calculated during the enclave preparation phase