Toy Functional Programming Language
You can test out the language using Jupyter Notebook here.
valdef zero: int = 0;
valdef one: int = 1;
valdef two: int = one + one;
funcdef sum(n: int) -> int = _sum(zero, n);
funcdef _sum(c: int, n: int) -> int =
if n == zero then
_sum(c + n, n + -1);
funcdef fib(n: int) -> int =
if n < two then
fib(n + -1) + fib(n + -two);
funcdef main(n: int) -> int = fib(n);
To Run
KariLang ./program.txt 15
It has only 2 data types, int
and bool
The language does not have any looping structures,
but repeated code execution can be achieved using recursion.
There is no meaning full error message at all. So, if your program does not execute it is due to some syntax or semantic error. Sorry, that there is no error message.
In future, if I am free, I would like to add match ... with ...
along with support of algebraic data types.
Also, add support for higher order functions.
You can download the compiled binary for Windows and Linux directly from the releases page.
If you want to compile from source:
Go to src directory
cd src/
Compile the parser
bison -Wall -Wcounterexamples -H ./parser.y
Compiler the lexer
flex ./lexer.l
Compiler the language
cc -Wall -g ./main.c ./semantics.c ./interpreter.c ./lex.yy.c ./ -o ./KariLang