Automated mass bidding on opensea and looksrare collections.
Features included:
- Bidding on ERC721/ERC1155 assets with WETH
- Custom expiration time
- Filter bids based on traits
Supported Node versions due OS are v16.13.*
After node is installed, run npm install --global yarn
To then install the bot, run yarn install
Copy .env.dist and add missing values
PROVIDER: your rpc provider url, such as, etc.
PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of wallet that should be used for bidding
ALCHEMY_API_KEY: API key for the alchemy sdk, create one here
Depending on which marketplaces you would like to use
OPENSEA_API_KEY: Opensea api key, either ask in their discord or retrieve one here
OPENSEA_RATELIMIT_MIN: Rate limit per minute for your opensea api key, usually between 30 - 60
LOOKSRARE_API_KEY: Looksrare api key, ask in their discord here
LOOKSRARE_RATELIMIT_MIN: Rate limit per minute for your opensea api key, usually between 30 - 60
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --bid "0.1" --dry-run
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --bid "0.1" --marketplace Opensea --marketplace Looksrare
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --bid "0.1"
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --bid "0.1" --offer-expiration "30"
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --prefetch
node src/index.js --contract "0x9ca8887d13bc4591ae36972702fdf9de2c97957f" --bid "0.1" --trait "Issue Number" --trait-value "Issue 1"
- Percentage bid based on floor price
- Bidding with other ERC-20 tokens
- Leveraging Looksrare collection/trait based orders
For any questions feel free to contact me on twitter
For supporting my projects and keep them running, feel free to tip tony-stark.eth