Hi there, I'm WhatACotton 👋
Name: Hiroto Watanabe
Contact: [email protected]
Affiliation: College of Information Science, School Of Informatics, University of Tsukuba in Japan
My blog: whatacottonの備忘録
GitHub: WhatACotton
Caris Works is a platform e-commerce site specializing in the sale of bracelets and sundries. We use stripe for payment.
- web frontend
- web backend
- linux operation
- gRPC (typescript,golang)
- REST flamework (typescript,golang)
- DI dependency injection
- testing
- gin (golang library)
- chi (golang library)
- chakra ui (css library)
- Stripe SDK
- R2 (Cloudflare object storage)
- PVE (Proxmox Virtual Environment)
- chisel(DSA for HDL)
- verilog