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               Minecraft Chat Plugin


Strings is a Minecraft chat plugin written with the Spigot API, bringing lots of customizability to your Minecraft server's chat.

Features include:

  • Customizability
  • Public Developer API
  • Channels
  • Chat Formatting
  • Chat Color
  • Staff Chat
  • HelpOP
  • Auto Broadcasts
  • Direct Messaging
  • Vault Support
  • Placeholder API Support

And much more!

Channel Information

One of the biggest and most versatile features of this plugin is the channel system. There are 3 main channel types:

  • StringChannel
    A channel that does not consider the player's world or proximity.
  • WorldChannel
    A channel that only works in one specific world, unless the channel manually joined.
  • ProximityChannel
    A channel that only sends messages to players within the right proximity of the sender, unless the channel is manually joined.

Some additional features available to channels are per-channel formatting, priority and default membership.

Channel Membership:
There are two options for channel membership, and those are default and permission. Default channels are available to all players, regardless of permissions, as long as they are within the scope of the channel.

Each channel can be designated a certain priority, the higher the number, the higher the priority. This only matters for channels with membership: default, as priority will determine what channel a player's message will be sent in.

Default Channels:
Both channel membership and priority work together to offer a key piece of functionality, the default channel. Every player has an active channel set, however, internally there is a channel type that does not process messages, rather it designates the appropriate channel a player's message should be sent in, considering world, priority and membership.

Nearly all of the things listed in this section, and more are customizable through the API. For more information, check out the wiki.


I've added a public API which will be available through Maven soon. The API is currently published through GitHub releases.

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