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A Self-Supervised network that removes fences from photos

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De-fence-estration: Self-Supervised Image Segmentation and Inpainting for Fence Removal

By Ethan Ruoff, Natalia Dorogi, and Drew Sirenko

Video presentation of paper:

Fig. 1 A fully implemented example of De-Fence-estration with the input image, segmented mask, and inpainted output.

Abstract — In this report, we provide the details about our final project De-fence-estration. This project uses self-supervision to train image segmentation and inpainting to find and remove fences in RGB images. This process can be useful in many photography-related situations where fences block the subject of interest in situations including zoos, ruins, sporting events, and landscapes. This project aims to address the demand for a simple way to remove fences for tourists and professional photographers alike by detecting and filling fence regions.

1. Introduction

Computer vision is one of the fastest-growing fields within computer science, with innovations and developments published every year. Through this course, we were able to read about recent accomplishments within the space. One of the many uses of computer vision is image segmentation and image inpainting. Image segmentation involves a process of dividing an input image into different regions by characteristics of pixels, in order to delineate boundaries to simplify an image and more efficiently analyze it. Image inpainting has been around for many years, but has gained more popularity due to improvement of processing techniques. Inpainting generally is a process where missing pixels/parts of an image are filled to match a complete one.

De-fence-estration, hopes to accomplish this feat within photo-editing and give the computer the knowledge of where a fence is to remove it, and greatly simplify the editing task for users for whom photoshop may not be a viable solution whether due to resources, time, or skill level.

The need for De-Fence-estration has greatly increased in recent years. The surge of this problem has two primary factors - an increase of low-cost smartphones allowing for more widespread access to photography and the presence of fences in the way of images of interest due to security concerns of tourists, students, and audiences. The computer can extrapolate the area of an image that the fence covers. The segmentation can then be used alongside an additional object inpainting model to re-populate the image for seamless removal of occlusions in such images.

2. Overview

De-fence-estration is a network that can identify the fence over an image as a mask via image segmentation and utilize inpainting to remove the mask from the image, allowing for users to remove fences from their photographs. The flow of training for this project is: a scene image and fence are passed into the dataloader, which outputs the combined image with various augmentations to allow for more diverse training data. The combined image and mask are then used as inputs into the image segmentation model. Concurrently, the combined image, mask, and image are passed into the inpainting model. The image segmentation outputs the mask as a label while the inpainting model outputs an attempt at recreating the original image.

The first model is a CNN that takes in the input image and uses pixel-level segmentation to output a mask of the hand location. This uses a domain transferred ResNet50 architecture that’s fully connected layer is replaced with a linear layer that matches the image’s dimensions to become a one-to-one image segmentation.

After segmenting the fence in our image and generating an image mask for it, we feed in our original image as well as the mask as inputs to our inpainting model. The inpainting model is our transfer-learned implementation to the GAN inpainting model DeepFill v2. Given an image and a mask of what we want to be removed from the image, this model will output an image that has replaced large segments of the fence with patterns that fit the context of the rest of the image.

2.1. Folder Structure

The entire pipeline discussed in the previous section is controlled by the script in the root directory of the repository.

The training data we used can be found in the Images and Fences folders. Images is sorted by category based on the categories in MIT Places Database [1] while Fences contains 30 pictures of fences with transparent backgrounds.

The versions we decided to use for model training are located in the seg_model.ipynb and inpainting.ipynb jupyter notebook.

Two folders used extensively but included in the gitignore are Images and saved_models. The Images folder contains 84,483 images used for training. The saved_models folder contains all of the trained models including prototype models. The contents of these folders can be downloaded here.

Lastly, the Samples folder contains images used as figures in this report as well as additional images and gifs used for other content such as the video and README.

3. Previous Work

Identification of objects in images has a long history of research attributed to it. From a survey of prior work, we learned that pipelines used to be based on ResNet and then GANs which have been getting more effective year by year as technology evolves. We combined two genres of prior work into our project.

One includes a semi-supervised approach to computer vision problems. In Colorful Image Colorization [4], the researchers aimed to work on colorizing photos without any labels. Their method for training the model was to take a collection of color images, make them greyscale so that they could feed back the original, correct images. We took a similar approach with fences and our dataset - we took our original image and added the fence so that we could have both the input and correct output without manually labelling data.

Fig. 2 The high-level training pipeline of De-fence-estration. Each image to the right corresponds to the output of the node on the left.

The second genre of work was image inpainting papers where given an image and a mask, an image is refilled without the mask portion, resulting in a complete image [3]. Deep learning models are able to recreate the parts of the image previously covered by the mask without needing all the information that was concealed. We leveraged image segmentation to create the fence as the mask and let our inpainting model recreate the remaining parts of the image.

4. Data Preprocessing

To determine our training data, we created a dataset using images of fences, selected scenes, and the dataloader. Photos of various fences around Columbia University were taken using a green screen to provide masks for our photos. To determine the scenes we utilized, we analyzed and manually chose from the MIT Places Dataset. Among the MIT Places Dataset were 205 scene categories with 2.5 million images. The goal for our dataset was for it to be representative of a variety of scenes, colors, and subjects that would be obstructed by fences. Thus, we narrowed the database to 6 relevant categories: f_field_wild, d_desert_sand, c_canyon, f_formal_garden, b_baseball_field, and r_ruin. After getting access to the MIT Places Dataset, we downloaded our pre-selected categories.

The MIT Places Dataset categories are then preprocessed via This takes the original image, through which we performed color jitter, and image flipping, among other data-augmentation methods. Since we only have 30 fences currently, we greatly increase the diversity of this dataset by using high-resolution versions of the images and randomly cropping/resizing a small cross-section of them. When fences from our manually made dataset are used with an image, the fence is blurred to imitate an out-of-focus fence and flipped as well. After both parts of the image are augmented, the fence is overlaid on top of the input image. The image is lastly normalized with the recommended Image-Net values [2] to be optimized for use with the pretrained ResNet50 parameters. You can see three examples of augmented data in Fig. 5.

Fig. 3 Example input and label with the data augmentations mentioned in section 4.

Using the augmented fence, we also create a perfect mask by thresholding the alpha values and converting opaque pixels to white and transparent pixels to black.

There was also additional preprocessing that was model-specific:

4.1. Image Inpainting Preprocessing

Image inpainting data-preprocessing also dilates the mask with a 3x3 kernel. This allows the inpainting model to have fewer fence pixels after the image segmentation step so that the inpainting doesn’t try to paint the fences back into the photo.

5. Models

5.1. Model1: Image Segmentation

The first model of De-Fence-estration is a domain transferred ResNet50 model using the pre-trained weights from ImageNet [2], the BCEwithlogitloss function, and the Adam Optimizer. The methodology of Model1 is that an image and corresponding mask are passed in as input. The model then outputs a binary classification for each pixel, categorizing it as either fence or not fence.

Table 1
Model1 Results

Table 1

5.1.1. Testing Multiple Architectures

When testing and fine-tuning our model, we performed multiple tests to see whether we should use ResNet18 or ResNet50. We thought ResNet50 would be the better choice because it is more lightweight and less resource-intensive to train multiple iterations for finetuning. Unfortunately, its performance was not up to par, only achieving a validation precision of 15.42% as seen in Table 1. We suspect that this is because ResNet18 was struggling to converge due to its fewer layers. In the end, the 70.47% advantage the ResNet50 held was worth the hit to performance and resource intensity.

5.1.2. Model1 Findings

Fig. 4 Example Output of Image Segmentation.

Despite our higher accuracy, we still found that the masks had gaps and only worked on black fences. To fix the gaps, we added dilation with a 3x3 kernel as post-processing to our masks. This fills any black pixels that might have slipped between the cracks of the model. As for the failure to identify non-black fences, we believe this is due to a lack of diversity in our training data. Further research into diversifying our dataset and further augmentation will need to be taken in order to confirm this hypothesis.

Fig. 5 ResNet50 Architecture. Please note that the “fc” layer at the bottom is domain transferred with a new fully connected linear layer with 65,536 features.

5.2. Model2: Inpainting

The second model of De-Fence-estration is created by performing transfer learning on the state of the art generative deep image inpainting DeepFill v2.

5.2.1. Model2 Prototypes

This project involved implementing multiple inpainting architectures with minimal results. For example, we tried training a GAN but encountered resource limitations due to GAN’s long training times. Thus, we did transfer learning instead to make the most of our resources. We also tested a U-Net with partial convolutions [3] but ran into difficulties with poor documentation and outdated code. We eventually went with DeepFill v2’s Encoder/Decoder models [5].

5.2.2. Model2 Architecture

The goal of the model is to ‘paint’ in missing pixels of an image in a way that follows the original context of the image (i.e. A beach be in-painted with sand instead of a zebra). The original DeepFillv1 brought in contextual attention such that the model would look at various features in the image not nearby the missing hole in order to better decide what should be painted in the region. DeepFill v2 builds on this approach by adding gated convolutions, a learnable version of partial convolutions, such that pixels can be decided whether they belong in a certain region or not even better.

Fig. 6 Deepfill v2 Architecture.

5.2.3. Model2 Findings

We performed transfer learning on the above model by feeding in images and masks with fence shapes, as well as getting the model used to our test image domains of flowers, deserts, and animals. This worked far better than training our own GAN because it had some basic inpainting skills out of the box and we wouldn’t have to spend many more weeks training it. Finally this fine-tuning approach meant that our model performed better with imperfect fence masks due to low contrast images or other peculiarities of our data.

Fig. 7 Example Output of our transfer learned DeepFill v2, with separate images demonstrating the input, mask, and output

6. Data Postprocessing

During data postprocessing, we unnormalized the data to rebalance the colors for the user. Additionally, for implementation we dilate the image segmentations to fill any missing pixels in the mask. This prevents the inpainting from trying to repaint pieces of the fence when inferencing the missing context.

7. Results and Findings

We tested our pipeline on the variety of images from our dataloader. We found that Model1 (5.1) generalizes really well with random photos of black fences, seen in Fig. 8. We found that Model2 (5.2) worked well regardless of scene subject or distance or coloring. The results of the image segmentation model included accuracy of 92.3%, precision of 85.9%, and recall of 86.4% (Table 1).

Although we’re reporting 92.3% accuracy on fences, we found that the model did not generalize well for non-black fences, e.g., a dark green fence (typically found at sporting-related competitions and parks). This is an indication that our model heavily uses color in order to identify fences and has not been trained with enough variety of fence colors. Indeed, in our creation of the fences used for training they were black which can be attributed to as primarily an issue of limited fence colors found around Columbia University.

Fig. 8 Example Output of Image Segmentation and Inpainting, combined images not demonstrating steps.

8. Conclusion and Next Steps

We created a relatively effective two-layer approach for removing fences from images. This network uses a pixel-level segmentation to find the fence and then an encoder-decoder based GAN to replace the masked region with pixels based on the surrounding context. We achieved this with a fully self-supervised network achieving only slightly worse results than fully supervised versions.

Further research is required to make a more effective architecture that can better recognize and inpaint fences. Potential improvements could be made by adding more pictures of fences into the dataset. More specifically, by adding more non-black fences, the data will become more diverse and therefore better at segmenting fences. In addition, more training and finetuning are required on our transfer-learned version of DeepFill v2. Due to time and resource restraints, the model was not trained to our satisfaction. Given more time and resources, we believe that we could better tune our model to color-match surrounding pixels.


[1] B. Zhou, A. Lapedriza, J. Xiao, A. Torralba, and A. Oliva. “Learning Deep Features for Scene Recognition using Places Database.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (NIPS), 2014. PDF Supplementary Materials

[2] J. Deng, W. Dong, R. Socher, L. -J. Li, Kai Li and Li Fei-Fei, "ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image database," 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009, pp. 248-255, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2009.5206848.

[3] Liu G, Reda FA, Shih KJ, Wang TC, Tao A, Catanzaro B. “Image inpainting for irregular holes using partial convolutions.” In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018.

[4] Zhang, R., Isola, P., and Efros, A. A., “Colorful Image Colorization”, arXiv e-prints, 2016.

[5] Yu, J., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Shen, X., Lu, X., and Huang, T., “Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated Convolution”, arXiv e-prints, 2018.


A Self-Supervised network that removes fences from photos






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