A comparison of various ways to draw a real time chart and their performance.
Each renderer has to implement the following interface
init is called once when the renderer is created. This would be the point to append any canvas/svg etc. element and append it to eContainer.
init( eContainer, mSettings )
draw is called on every frame. pXCoords and pYCoords are arrays of the same length that contain the actual screen coordinates
draw( pXCoords, pYCoords )
Please take into account that setSize can be called at any given point. Before or after init and draw
setSize( nWidth, nHeight )
destroy should stop all drawing activities and remove all elements the renderer has previously added to the DOM It should NOT remove the container it is in
mSettings contains the following. These settings can be extended when creating a new instance of Sparkline
* The timespan covered by the sparkline ( in ms )
timeSpan: 3000,
* The color of the line
lineColor: "#1B4CE0",
* The thickness of the line
lineWeight: 4,
* The color of the filled area
fillColor: "#C8CEE0",
* A relative padding to be added to the yCoordinates
yPadding: 0.3