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Modelling the WormBase ACeDB database in datomic.

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Clojars Project

Provides a Clojure library for use by the Wormbase project.

Features include:

  • Model-driven import of ACeDB data into a Datomic database.

    • (Dynamic generation of an isomorphic Datomic schema from an annotated ACeDB models file)
  • Conversion of ACeDB database dump files into a datomic database

  • Routines for parsing and dumping ACeDB "dump files".

  • Utility functions and macros for querying WormBase data.

  • A command line interface for utilities described above (via the clj -A:datomic-pro -m pseudoace.cli command)



Branching & code review

  • Feature branches should be derived from the master branch.
  • Code review is preferred before merging back into master.

Coding style

This project attempts to adhere to the Clojure coding-style conventions.


Run all tests regularly, but in particular:

  • after checking out a feature-branch
  • before issuing a new pull request
#Test using datomic pro and default clojure version
make run-all-tests

Release & deployment

pseudoace is both a command line application and a library, which are consumed by other WormBase applications.

The library is deployed as a thin jar to Clojars (a public repository for packaged clojure libraries), while the standalone command line application is deployed as an uber jar through Github package releases.

When creating and deploying a new release, you'll need to

  1. Prepare the release
  2. Deploy the standalone application
  3. Deploy the library

If problems pop up during the standalone-application deployment, they still be correct while this is much harder in Clojars.

Prepare release

Before being able to start any pseudoace deployment, you'll need to do some (manual) release preparations.

  1. Checkout the master branch if not already done so.
  2. Update the file
    • Replace "un-released" in the latest version entry with the current date (or add a new section if there's no section yet for the current release)
    • Represent all changes made for this release.
  3. Update the pom.xml file: * If the deps.edn file has changed, update the pom.xml dependencies:
    clj -Spom
    # Update pom.xml to
    #   * pseudoace release to be created in the <version> tag value
    #   * have "wormbase" (unquoted) as <groupId> tag value
    #   * have "pseudoace" (unquoted) as <artifactId> tag value
    $EDITOR pom.xml
* Otherwise, only edit the pseudoace version in the `<version>` tag to match the version-nr to be created.
  1. Commit and push all changes.
  2. Create git tag matching project version (e.g 0.6.3). Use annotated tags (git CLI option -a).

Deploy standalone application

The following command will create a release archive based on the latest git tag (created above).

make uberjar

An archive named pseudoace-${GIT_RELEASE_TAG}.tar.xz will be created in the ./release-archives directory.

List the content of the created archive

tar -tf release-archives/pseudoace-${GIT_RELEASE_TAG}.tar.xz

The archive should contain two artefacts:


As we use a proprietary Datomic license in some code, we need to ensure we comply with the license. Datomic free can be freely distributed, but datomic-pro cannot. Uber jars containing datomic-pro assest can never be distributed to a public server for download, as this would violate the terms of any proprietary Congnitect Datomic license.

As the tar file created above will be deployed publically, ensure this tar file, and specifically the uber-jar file contained therein, does not contain any datomic-pro assets!

tar -xOf ./release-archives/pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG.tar.xz pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG/pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG.jar | jar -tv | grep -P "datomic-(free|pro)"

This command should only return datomic-free artifacts and no datomic-pro ones!

Once confirmed, create a new release on github

  • As tag version, use the same as name as the tag create when preparing the release
  • As target-branch, use master
  • As the release title, repeat the release tag name and refer to the CHANGELOG in the description
  • Upload the tar.xz file from above as a release asset (called binaries) so the migration pipeline can use it.

Deploy library

In order to deploy to Clojars, the ~/.m2/settings.xml needs to define clojars deploy credentials which allow write access to the Clojars wormbase group. For instructions on how to define this file, see credentials setup.


make deploy-clojars

Credentials setup

Deployment to Clojars require the file ~/.m2/settings.xml to be defined as described here (settings.xml part). Clojars username can be obtained by registering at and a deploy-token can be generated after that by visiting this page. Ensure you have been added to the wormbase group to allow uploading a new version (ask a colleague).

You can execute ./scripts/ to generate a credentials file as describe above and provide your user name and deploy token.



For any development usage of the code, ensure your working directory is set to the repository root.

A command line utility has been developed for ease of usage.

  • --url is a required option for most sub-commands, it should be of the form of:
alias run-pace "clj -A:datomic-pro -m pseudoace.cli"
run-pace --url "${URL_OF_TRANSACTOR}" <command>

Alternatively, for extra speed and flexibility, one can call the Clojure routines directly in a REPL session:

# start the REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)
clj -A:datomic-pro

Example of invoking a sub-command:

(require '[environ.core :refer [env]])
(list-databases {:url (env :url-of-transactor)})


Run the pseudoace jar with the same arguments as you would when using clj:

java -cp pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG.jar clojure.main -m pseudoace.cli -v

Import process

Prepare import

Create the database and parse .ace dump-files into EDN.


java -cp pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG.jar clojure.main \
     -m pseudoace.cli \
     --url $DATOMIC_URL \
	 --acedump-dir ACEDUMP_DIR \
	 --log-dir LOG_DIR \
	 -v prepare-import

The prepare-import sub-command:

  • Creates a new database at the specified --url
  • Converts .ace dump-files located in --acedump-dir into pseudo EDN files located in --log-dir.
  • Creates the database schema from the annotated ACeDB models file specified by --model.
  • Optionally dumps the newly created database schema to the file specified by --schema-filename.

Sort the generated log files

The format of the generated files' content is:
<ace-db-style_timestamp> <Transactable EDN forms>

The EDN data is required to be sorted by timestamp in order to preserve the initial design decision to using Datomic's internal transaction timestamp to model curation event times.

To sort the EDN log files:

find $LOG_DIR \
    -type f \
	-name "*.edn.gz" \
	-exec ./ {} +

Import the sorted logs into the database

Transact the EDN sorted by timestamp in --log-dir to the database specified with --url:

java -cp pseudoace-$GIT_RELEASE_TAG.jar clojure.main \
     -m pseudoace.cli \
	 --url URL \
	 --log-dir LOG_DIR \
	 -v import-logs

Using a full dump of a recent ACeDB release of WormBase, you can expect the full import process to take in the region of 48 hours, dependent on the platform you run it on.