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该简历模板基于 进行修改,对一些格式进行了完善,使其更符合中文简历的格式,以下是参考图片

以下是源readme的使用教程 Usage

  • Linux

    1. Install XeLaTeX, latexmk, GNU Make, and GhostScript packages;
    2. Install the required fonts;
    3. Replace resume-zh.tex and resume-en.tex with your versions;
    4. Compile to PDFs with a simple make :-)
  • Windows

    1. Install MiKTeX;
    2. Install the required fonts;
    3. Replace resume-zh.tex and resume-en.tex with your versions;
    4. Open resume-*.tex in TeXWorks, choose XeLaTeX to compile, and confirm the prompts to install the missing packages along the run.
  • Docker or Podman

    Just run make docker or make podman.

Font Awesome 5

NOTE: The fontawesome5 package from CTAN is used, which is more advanced and bundles with the font files.

The original fontawesome5 contents are now obsolete but kept for reference.

I wrote a simple tool, which will download the latest icon list from the Font Awesome project and then generate the LaTeX style file for using the latest Font Awesome 5 fonts (the free edition) in LaTeX.

This Python script requires the PyYAML package, which can be installed with pip3 install --user PyYAML or sudo apt install python3-yaml.

A pre-generated style file fontawesome5.sty (matches Font Awesome v5.15.4) is also provided.

The Font Awesome fonts are designed by the Font Awesome project and can be obtained from here. NOTE: All the following 3 fonts should be installed into the system:

  • Font Awesome 5 Free (generic icons in regular style, much less than the solid style)
  • Font Awesome 5 Free Solid (generic icons in solid style)
  • Font Awesome 5 Free Brands (various brand icons)

i.e., the following 3 OTF files are needed:

  • Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf
  • Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf
  • Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf


  • Linux (Debian 12/bookworm)

    • Method 1: Install the texlive-fonts-extra package, but it pulls off lots of fonts and costs ~1.6GB disk space!
    • Method 2: Manually install the fontawesome5 package to ~/texmf with the tlmgr (TeX Live Manager) tool: (1) initialize the user tree: tlmgr --usermode init-usertree; (2) install the package: tlmgr --usermode install fontawesome5.
  • Windows (MiKTeX 22.10)

    MiKTeX will auto prompt for the missing package, so just confirm to install it.

Required Fonts

Besides the Font Awesome fonts, this template also requires the following opensource fonts:

  • IBM Plex (Serif, Mono)

    Download the archive from the releases page, and then extract the IBM-Plex-Serif and IBM-Plex-Mono directories and install them.

  • Noto Serif CJK

    Download the archive (Language Specific OTFs Simplified Chinese) from the releases page, and then install all of them.

On Debian Linux, simply do apt install fonts-ibm-plex fonts-noto-cjk.

Of course, you can use the fonts you prefer by modifying the template directly. However, you may need to tweak the column width \leftcolwidth in the template accordingly.

Fonts Installation

On Linux systems, create a directory for each font family under ~/.local/share/fonts, then copy the font files (OTF or TTF) over, then execute fc-cache -f to refresh the font cache, done.

Take the Font Awesome font family as an example:

  1. mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts/FontAwesome
  2. cp <font-awesome-otf-files> ~/.local/share/fonts/FontAwesome/
  3. fc-cache -fv
  4. check the fonts correctly installed: fc-list | grep 'FontAwesome'









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