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Configuration: Overview

github-actions[bot] edited this page Mar 15, 2025 · 19 revisions

Per-Section Documentation

You can find documentation for various sections of the config on these wiki pages:


Niri will load configuration from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/niri/config.kdl or ~/.config/niri/config.kdl, falling back to /etc/niri/config.kdl. If both of these files are missing, niri will create $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/niri/config.kdl with the contents of the default configuration file, which are embedded into the niri binary at build time. Please use the default configuration file as the starting point for your custom configuration.

The configuration is live-reloaded. Simply edit and save the config file, and your changes will be applied. This includes key bindings, output settings like mode, window rules, and everything else.

You can run niri validate to parse the config and see any errors.

To use a different config file path, pass it in the --config or -c argument to niri.

You can also set $NIRI_CONFIG to the path of the config file. --config always takes precedence. If --config or $NIRI_CONFIG doesn't point to a real file, the config will not be loaded. If $NIRI_CONFIG is set to an empty string, it is ignored and the default config location is used instead.


The config is written in KDL.


Lines starting with // are comments; they are ignored.

Also, you can put /- in front of a section to comment out the entire section:

/-output "eDP-1" {
    // Everything inside here is ignored.
    // The display won't be turned off
    // as the whole section is commented out.


Toggle options in niri are commonly represented as flags. Writing out the flag enables it, and omitting it or commenting it out disables it. For example:

// "Focus follows mouse" is enabled.
input {

    // Other settings...
// "Focus follows mouse" is disabled.
input {
    // focus-follows-mouse

    // Other settings...


Most sections cannot be repeated. For example:

// This is valid: every section appears once.
input {
    keyboard {
        // ...

    touchpad {
        // ...
// This is NOT valid: input section appears twice.
input {
    keyboard {
        // ...

input {
    touchpad {
        // ...

Exceptions are, for example, sections that configure different devices by name:

output "eDP-1" {
    // ...

// This is valid: this section configures a different output.
output "HDMI-A-1" {
    // ...

// This is NOT valid: "eDP-1" already appeared above.
// It will either throw a config parsing error, or otherwise not work.
output "eDP-1" {
    // ...


Omitting most of the sections of the config file will leave you with the default values for that section. A notable exception is binds {}: they do not get filled with defaults, so make sure you do not erase this section.

Breaking Change Policy

As a rule, niri updates should not break existing config files. (For example, the default config from niri v0.1.0 still parses fine on v25.02 as I'm writing this.)

Exceptions can be made for parsing bugs. For example, niri used to accept multiple binds to the same key, but this was not intended and did not do anything (the first bind was always used). A patch release changed niri from silently accepting this to causing a parsing failure. This is not a blanket rule, I will consider the potential impact of every breaking change like this before deciding to carry on with it.

Keep in mind that the breaking change policy applies only to niri releases. Commits between releases can and do occasionally break the config as new features are ironed out. However, I do try to limit these, since several people are running git builds.

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