A set of tools to extract/convert resources from the PlayStation 2 game Quake 3 Revolution (2001).
First of all, these tools extract/convert resources by saving them on the same path as the input file, so you have to move them in a path/folder where you have write permissions before passing them to the tools (e.g. you can't pass the files directly from the game's CD.)
The following tools are included:
Extracts files and folders contained into the archive file LINKFILE.LNK in a folder named LINKFILE_extracted.
This contains several goodies, but the only files I've properly examined are the .ssh image files.
Extracts sound files (.mp2 and .vag files) from the .SDT archive files contained in the SOUND, SOUND_FR and SOUND_IT folders located in the game CD's root directory.
As the name implies, converts the .ssh image files extracted from the LINKFILE.LNK archive file into .tga images.
Invoke each tool from a command line prompt without any arguments to see basic usage instructions; this is advised especially for Q3R_ssh2tga, since you can give it an option to change tga's output format.
On Windows the drag-and-drop method works as well, but in Q3R_ssh2tga's case you won't be able to control the output format for the tga files.
torridgristle: for explaining how to fix the swizzled palettes for 8bpp .ssh files through this .gif:
paulguy: for discovering that the compressed entries inside the LINKFILE.LNK archive file use REFPACK compression format;
Mr. Mouse: for sharing his discoveries about .ssh file format (albeit for a different game and with slight variations), which made my life easier when reversing the format used in Q3R.