An archive extractor tool for the Polish Windows game Target (1998).
Keep in mind that this has been tested with the English version only, there's no guarantee that it will work with any other version (namely the Polish one.)
Place the executable inside the game's "data" subfolder (the one with the .RPL files), then launch it; everything else is pretty straightforward.
Once the extractor has done its thing, you should have the extracted resources in a subfolder named "Target rip",
located inside the same "data" subfolder.
- Textures
- Sprites
- Various graphics (fonts, menus, HUDs, etc)
- Sounds
All picture-related material is extracted as .TGA pictures, which can be viewed fine with IrfanView (albeit without transparency), SLADE3, MtPaint, and possibly other image viewers I'm unaware of; if that's still a problem for you, Ken Silverman's PNGOUT is your friend :)