Rednex Game Boy Development System - An assembly toolchain for the Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color
Dechrissen / poke-solus-rgb
Forked from pret/pokeredRomhack of Pokémon Red/Blue with a focus on an enhanced near-vanilla solo gameplay experience
Gen 1 Fakemon Overhaul hack using pokered-crysaudio as a base
Improved/Updated mod of Pokemon Crystal
Game Music Emu - Multi-purpose console music emulator and player library
Hack of pokemon pinball that adds future-generation pinball tables
Kanto at its max (and beyond!)
GaryOderNichts / WiiUReboot
Forked from Fangal-Airbag/WiiURebootA simple app that restarts your Wii U!
Xpl0itU / WiiU-Shell
Forked from kenny1983/WiiU-ShellNX-Shell port for the Nintendo WiiU.
Allows connecting controllers from other consoles like native Wii U Pro Controllers on the Wii U
WiiWare patching for Wiimmfi made easy.
This patcher will guide you through RiiConnect24 installation process.
Information on the WIP Custom Nintendo WiiU/3DS/2DS server and service replacements
A Wii cIOS module that fakes Wiimotes from the input of USB game controllers