Robotic project: A robot that autonomously picks up tennis balls. Northeastern University
This is the final project of CS5335 Robotics System and Science.
In this project, we aim to design a robot with SLAM, navigation, visual computing, robotic arm grasping functions to help us pick up tennis balls automatically.
In this project, we develop in simulation and physical robot respectively.
The type of robot used in this project is the locobot WX250s, which is a hybrid type robot.
Currently this part of the code belongs to the simulation part.
Code for the physical robot:
For the SLAM part, we complete SLAM in two ways, one is the autonomous mapping based on the RRT algorithm, and the other is the SLAM task where we control the robot through the keyboard.
roslaunch interbotix_xslocobot_gazebo locobot_simulation.launch use_rrt_exploration:=true
roslaunch interbotix_xslocobot_gazebo locobot_simulation.launch use_slam:=true
roslaunch interbotix_xslocobot_gazebo locobot_simulation.launch use_navigation:=true
Type the following commands in two terminals respectively to achieve the joint task of navigation and grabbing
roslaunch interbotix_xslocobot_gazebo locobot_simulation.launch use_moveit:=true use_navigation:=true
rosrun slam_controller slam_controller_node
If you want to achieve the following functions, you need to adjust the position of the ball in the launch file and modify the content of slam_controller.