Build your HTML for all your forms fast and easily with a wrapper that builds it for you with only a few variables.
We can add floating labels, input groups or use the row / col combo to each element.
I have not used the input groups after some recent changes to the class brought about by the floating labels.
95% will return $this
to make them chain-able.
Default options for the new form() construction.
$options = [
'id' => '', // id of the form element
'url' => '/ajax', // the forms action value
'method' => 'post', // get or post
'form_classes' => 'mf-forms', // classes to be added to the form tag
'input_classes' => 'form-control', // classes to be added to the input elements
'row_classes' => 'mb-3', // classes to be added to each container row
'form_attr' => [], // additional form attributes
'ensure_row' => true // ensure the rows are closed before each new element
You can override some options originally set by the constructor
Returns $this
so it can be chained.
Returns the value of the option key, so cannot be chained.
Adds additional HTML within the form
To start a floating label block
You can put ['key']
in the names value to work with radio and checkboxes.
Floating labels are automatically added after the input tag
* @param (str) type = 'input', 'button', 'textarea', 'select', 'file', 'day', 'time':
* @param (str) value of input
* @param (ary) attr for the input
* @param (ary) b4_element - input
* @param (ary) after_element - input
* return $this
$new_form = new form([
'id' => 'register-form',
'url' => '/ajax/register-form',
'form_classes' => 'col-lg-6 mx-auto'
$inc = $new_form
->element('input', '', ['placeholder' => 'My Crazy Name', 'required' => 'required'])
->element('input', '', ['type' => 'email', 'placeholder' => 'Real Email', 'required' => 'required'])
->element('input', '', ['type' => 'password', 'placeholder' => 'Password', 'required' => 'required'])
->element('input', '', ['type' => 'password', 'placeholder' => 'Confirm Password', 'required' => 'required'])
More examples to come soon